Reed Condemns Russia’s Renewed Invasion of Ukraine, Warns of Global Economic Consequences, & Urges Putin to Cease Hostilities

Source: United States Senator for Rhode Island Jack Reed

WASHINGTON, DC – Following the invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine’s sovereign territory, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today issued the following statement:

“I unequivocally condemn Russia’s immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine.

“Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked aggression will inflict untold hardship, suffering, and death upon innocent civilians in Ukraine.  It also threatens European security and will have serious consequences for the global economy.

“The U.S. must continue to use every diplomatic tool in our arsenal, in concert with the international community, to pressure the Kremlin to cease hostilities and pull its forces back from Ukraine.

“Thanks to President Biden’s leadership, the United States and our allies and partners around the globe are unified in this endeavor, and Putin and his cronies will face devastating consequences as a result of this baseless aggression.  Already, the United States has announced sanctions on Kremlin-backed entities in eastern Ukraine, and an even more crippling wave of economic actions on Russia will soon be implemented.  

“The U.S. will continue to reinforce our ironclad commitment to the collective defense of our NATO allies and to provide robust support to Ukraine.

“Putin has badly overplayed his hand.  The Russian people know Putin’s actions are costing them billions in rubles every day and that Putin’s choice means more economic difficulties for them.  Despite his attempts to fracture NATO and separate America from our allies, cooperation between the United States and Europe has only grown stronger on a wide range of issues, and Putin has already begun to suffer the weight of the unified international response.

“There is a better way forward.  I urge Mr. Putin to come to his senses and cease all hostilities immediately.”