NEWS: Sanders Statement on Tentative Rail Agreement

Source: United States Senator for Vermont – Bernie Sanders

WASHINGTON, Sept. 15 — Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Thursday issued the following statement after rail carriers and rail workers reached a tentative collective bargaining agreement:

“Let me congratulate the rail unions who stood up to corporate greed, forced the industry to make important concessions, and negotiated better wages, benefits and working conditions. I also want to thank President Biden and Secretary Walsh for their hard work on this deal. Importantly, under the tentative agreement that was reached this morning, CEOs in the rail industry whose companies are making record-breaking profits will no longer be able to fire workers for going to a doctor for a medical emergency. The fact that Republicans were trying to ram through a bill that would have prevented workers from receiving the sick leave and health care benefits they deserve is an outrage. I am proud to have blocked those efforts.

“Now it’s up to the rank-and-file union members to evaluate this deal and determine whether it works for them. These workers have not had a raise in three years and continue to work incredibly long hours under brutal working conditions. I will respect and support whatever decision they make.”