Cardin Responds to Ethiopia Executive Order

Source: United States Senator for Maryland Ben Cardin

September 21, 2021

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement in response to the executive order signed by President Joe Biden enhancing sanctions and supporting the people of Ethiopia to promote an end to the fighting, protect human rights, and help meet humanitarian needs.

“I remain deeply concerned about the ongoing conflict in the Tigray region and violence in other areas, and the resulting tragedy affecting many Ethiopians. More than 5 million individuals are in desperate need of humanitarian aid. I fully support President Biden’s executive order that would hold accountable those who are responsible for, or complicit in, prolonging the conflict, obstructing humanitarian access, or preventing a ceasefire.

“As noted by the White House, sanctions are not directed at the people of Ethiopia or Eritrea, but rather the individuals and entities who are causing the violence and the ensuing humanitarian disaster. I strongly condemn the atrocities carried out throughout Ethiopia, and call upon all parties to reach a negotiated ceasefire, pursue dialogue, and reach an agreement that ultimately results in a democratic, prosperous, and peaceful Ethiopia.”
