Sullivan: Before Willow Approval, I Asked President Biden: How Can You Lift Sanctions On Venezuela and Not Let Alaska Produce?

Source: United States Senator for Alaska Dan Sullivan


WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) yesterday told John Roberts on Fox News’ “America Reports” that, prior to the Biden administration’s approval of the Willow Project, he asked President Biden how he could justify lifting sanctions on Venezuela while shutting down energy production in Alaska.

“The one thing that I actually mentioned to the president, I mention it to every Biden administration official, and they’ve never been able to answer it, even the ones who supposedly care about the environment,” Senator Sullivan said. “They just lifted sanctions on Venezuela…one of the most polluting places to produce oil anywhere in the world. How can you do that and not let Alaska produce? They never have an answer to that question. I think that was part of the calculus here.”

Sullivan: Before Willow Approval, I Asked President Biden: How Can You Lift Sanctions On Venezuela and Not Let Alaska Produce?

SENATOR SULLIVAN: Well, you know, this administration clearly has different factions within it as it relates to energy. And usually the far left radical enviros and their allies in the administration win. You know, in many ways this was actually a split decision because you saw they approved the three pad Willow Project but then they announced this huge lockup of Alaska, which we’ve of course, we’re going to fight that once that comes out. 

So it does show that they’re still listening to the far left. But with regard to this project, the one thing that I actually mentioned to the president, I mention it to every Biden administration official, and they’ve never been able to answer it, even the ones who supposedly care about the environment: They just lifted sanctions on Venezuela…one of the most polluting places to produce oil anywhere in the world. How can you do that and not let Alaska produce? They never have an answer to that question. I think that was part of the calculus here.

Sullivan: One of the Great Instruments of American Power is American Energy. Xi Jinping and Putin fear it.


JOHN ROBERTS: So this is an $8 billion project up front at 600 million barrels of oil for total production revenues of about $44 billion. What’s this going to mean for the state? 

SENATOR SULLIVAN: Well, this is really important for the state. But it’s really important for America. This is a really important victory that we had. It’s important for the environment. Highest environmental standards in the world in Alaska used to be in charge that it’s really great for American workers. Right. 2500 jobs is the estimate. These are a lot of union jobs, by the way. Conoco is literally deploying people in North Slope today. Right? It’s starting. This was this was the ultimate shovel ready project. The native community supported it very strongly in our state. And as you and I have talked about, John, really strong for national security. One of the great instruments of American power is American energy. Xi Jinping, Putin fear it. And we think for all those reasons, this should have been a decision made a lot sooner. But it’s going to be important certainly for Alaska, but for America as well.

Sullivan: The Administration Undermines our Areas of Strength Relative to China.

JOHN ROBERTS: Is this administration doing enough to counter the growing threat from China and Xi Jinping as he seeks to make China the global dominant superpower?

SENATOR SULLIVAN: No, I don’t think they are. And the issue here is we’re in this new era of authoritarian aggression led by Putin and Xi Jinping. And we have to face this new era with strategic resolve and confidence. And here’s where they’re not doing enough, the Biden administration. We have extraordinary strategic advantages relative to China. We have a great network of allies, a lethal military, incredible energy resources, just to name a few. And on those issues, the president put forward another budget last week to cut the military. That’s the third time in a row he’s put forward inflation-adjusted cuts to the military. That only emboldens Xi Jinping and Putin. And then to your point on energy and natural security, critical minerals, so important to compete with them. We have incredible resources. And yet, you know, with a few exceptions, the Willow Project being one, they undermine that, try and shut it down. We have a huge mining district in Alaska called the Ambler Mining District, and they shut that down a year and a half ago. It’s a huge challenge when they’re undermining our huge areas of strength relative to China. And that’s got to change.


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