Shaheen and Risch Lead Bipartisan Senate Delegation Press Conference at Halifax International Security Forum

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen

November 22, 2021

(Halifax, Canada) – U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) – a senior member of the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations Committees – and Jim Risch (R-ID) – ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee – today led the bipartisan Senate delegation to the Halifax International Security Forum in a press conference. Joined by U.S. Senators Chris Coons (D-DE), Tim Kaine (D-VA), Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Joni Ernst (R-IA), the lawmakers addressed the national and global security challenges discussed among leaders from around the world at the international conference. Throughout the forum, lawmakers are leading and participating in plenaries on U.S. leadership and coordination with allies to address numerous security challenges, including the climate crisis, the fall of Afghanistan, an emboldened China and global issues around women, peace and security.

“Every year, the Halifax International Security Forum brings together world leaders and experts – a convergence of minds – to address the most pressing security challenges around the world,” said Senator Shaheen. “Forums like this provide a critical opportunity for lawmakers to form important, lasting bonds with our global partners that will extend beyond the conversations we have today. And that is so crucial when we consider the security threats world leaders are tasked with, from the rising influence of China to escalating Russian aggression and developing future U.S. policy in Afghanistan — these are the greatest challenges we face as individual nations and a global community. I’m honored to lead the U.S. congressional delegation with Senator Risch to this forum to reaffirm the bipartisan determination in the Senate to find common ground on our national security priorities, and to work with our allies to build a more secure and democratic world for us all.”

“I am very glad to be back at Halifax this year, where our bipartisan Senate delegation has had a unique opportunity to engage with leaders and experts from Europe, the Indo-Pacific, and Canada to discuss the most pressing security issues of the day,” said Senator Risch. “With actors like China and Russia threatening U.S. and allied values and interests at an increasing rate, it’s ever more important we work together to find logical solutions that can be implemented now and over the next decade. Our conversations this weekend have provided useful insight that we can take back to our colleagues in Washington, and I look forward to building off these efforts in the weeks and months ahead. I’m also especially grateful to Senator Shaheen for organizing this important trip and allowing me the opportunity to co-lead our delegation.”

“It’s a pleasure to back at Halifax for thoughtful conversations about the consequential security issues facing the United States, Canada, and our democratic allies and partners around the world,” said Senator Coons. “Whether in the Indo-Pacific, Europe, or the Horn of Africa, we need to work together with countries who share our values and develop forward-thinking solutions. I’d like to thank Senator Shaheen and Ranking Member Risch for leading our bipartisan delegation, and I return to Washington eager to work with my colleagues to show that free, open, and inclusive societies can deliver for their people.” 

“I was grateful for the productive conversations I had with our allies at this important forum, including about the need to stand together against emerging threats to democracy around the globe,” said Senator Kaine. “We must strengthen our alliances and work together to ensure future generations live in a safer, more resilient and just world.” 

“I am glad to join my Senate colleagues here at the Halifax International Security Forum as we discuss the many pressing challenges facing the world’s democracies,” said Senator Wicker. “In our conversations with experts, diplomats, and lawmakers from across the globe, we are working to promote a stronger, freer, and safer future for the United States and our allies.”

“Our world is facing a number of national security challenges today—on the forefront are the malign actions of Communist China and Russia. Coming together with like-minded partners at discussions like the Halifax International Security Forum is invaluable in addressing these challenges and strengthening our partnerships,” said Senator Ernst.