Video: Gillibrand Introduces President Biden At National Prayer Breakfast

Source: United States Senator for New York Kirsten Gillibrand

February 03, 2022

Today, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand introduced President Joe Biden at the 70th Annual National Prayer Breakfast. Gillibrand is co-chair of the National Prayer Breakfast along with co-chair Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD), who introduced Vice President Kamala Harris.

Watch Senator Gillibrand’s full remarks here or read them below: 

“Show me a man who has endured great loss, and still has faith, and I will show you a man who has learned to serve and how to lead. Tell me about the doors that have been shut over and over and over, and I will tell you about a path that has been laid out and well-lit in advance.

When I think about Joe Biden, our president, of course I think about his years of experience as our President, our Vice President, as a Senator, and his many accomplishments and accolades. But the experiences that truly shaped the man began as an eldest child in an Irish Catholic family, growing up in Scranton, Pennsylvania. A young boy who overcame a stutter, and made overcoming adversity and loss the defining aspect of his character.

We all know as believers, that “in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28. This has never been truer than in life of President Biden.

In every challenge in his life, it would have been understandable to put down one’s mantle, give up, and leave it to others. Through all his hardships, he has persisted. He has persevered. He has stood back up – and he has never forgotten God’s love for him. He continues to fight the good fight and to keep the faith.

We know that God’s love prevails and endures forever. God has called every single one of us to be the light of the world; to be the salt of the Earth. He’s called us to love our neighbor as ourselves, and He’s called us to love Him with all our hearts. God asks us to rest in him and to not lean on our own understanding. President Joe Biden has done this his entire life, and that is what has prepared him to lead. That is what brought him to a time such as this. That is why he is here, to lead this nation and to heal this nation.

It is my honor and privilege to introduce this man of faith and great courage, President Joe Biden.”