Schumer, Gillibrand Announce Over $27 Million In Funding For Fort Drum

Source: United States Senator for New York Kirsten Gillibrand

September 17, 2021

U.S. Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer and U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today announced $27,330,750 in federal funding for the construction of a new railhead loading facility at Fort Drum. The expansion of the railhead loading facility will allow the base to rapidly deploy personnel and heavy equipment on short or no notice. The contract was awarded to a New York company, Structural Associates Inc.

In personal meetings and calls with previous military leadership, I made it clear the Army should do everything possible to prioritize the construction of a new railhead at Fort Drum – which is a top priority for Fort Drum officials – and ultimately secured initial funding for the project in the Military Construction budget,” said Senator Schumer. “At long last, Fort Drum has the last piece of funding needed to finally modernize its outdated railhead, improve base readiness and meet deployment requirements.”

Fort Drum, one of America’s most strategically important bases, is home to the Army’s most deployed military unit, the 10th Mountain Division,” said Senator Gillibrand, member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. “This investment will enhance our military readiness, allowing rapid deployment of heavy equipment.  This project will help ensure Fort Drum remains a leader in readiness planning and mission execution. I am proud to have fought for the inclusion of this funding and will continue working to get Fort Drum personnel the resources they need.” 

Senators Schumer and Gillibrand secured initial funding to upgrade the Fort Drum Railhead in the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act and Military Construction budget. Schumer directly advocated for funding for the railhead with previous military leaders including then-Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan, then-Army Secretary Mark Esper and then-Army Chief of Staff General James C. McConville.

Senators Schumer and Gillibrand also continued to request funding for the Fort Drum Railhead in the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act and made a Congressional Directed Spending request for the funds to the Senate Appropriations Committee.