“Invest in NH” Tour Stop: Shaheen Visits UNH to Discuss New Funding for Early Childhood Education

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen

February 06, 2023

Senator Shaheen tours UNH’s Child Study and Development Center in Durham this morning to discuss funding she secured in the fiscal year 2023 government funding law to make upgrades at the facility.

(Durham, NH) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) toured the University of New Hampshire (UNH)’s Child Study and Development Center (CSDC) and heard from the CSDC’s staff on how the $1 million federal award she secured will provide for much-needed equipment upgrades to the center. Shaheen’s visit to UNH was part of her “Invest in NH” tour, which highlights important projects she secured funding to support through the fiscal year (FY) 2023 government funding bill that was signed into law. A senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Shaheen worked to include more than $111 million for New Hampshire in the government funding law.

The CSDC is a premier child development lab facility and is one of fifty New Hampshire childcare facilities that are nationally accredited. The CSDC has a strong reputation for training early childhood educators and serves over 350 UNH students annually by providing a setting for professional fieldwork for over 30 courses.

“Access to quality childcare and early childhood education is essential for building a foundation for success, but too often it’s too hard for families to find. Amid these shortages in childcare, ensuring existing facilities are up-to-date and equipped to train new educators is crucial,” said Shaheen. “I worked to secure this federal investment for the University of New Hampshire’s Child Study and Development Center so Granite State families can access quality childcare as we invest in training the next generation of childhood educators. These resources will go a long way towards putting our youngest students on a path for future academic success.”

“I’m proud to have worked with Senator Shaheen to secure this funding to improve child care and education in New Hampshire,” said Congressman Chris Pappas. “Creating an Early Child Institute for Excellence at the University of New Hampshire will help address the need for quality, affordable child care and develop a strong educational workforce. I am proud to have worked closely with community leaders across the First District to deliver targeted funding for this and other important priorities, and I will continue to advocate for the needs of our families and economy in my work in Washington.”

The CDS funding will provide for much-needed equipment upgrades to the CSDC, such as renovations to the research/observation structures (observation booths), technology (video and audio systems) and developmentally-appropriate equipment and materials used by the CSDC. These resources will directly enhance educational opportunities for UNH students and New Hampshire’s current early childhood care and education (ECCE) workforce, expand research on best practices and increase the quality of early childhood care practices across the state.

As a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee and Chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies (CJS), Shaheen worked to include $111,359,972 for 105 New Hampshire projects in the final government funding legislation for fiscal year 2023. These projects respond to a myriad of issues uniquely facing New Hampshire, including expanding access to health care, updating water infrastructure, increasing affordable housing and more. Through her leadership, she also helped write the legislation that includes a $1.86 billion increase to $8.02 billion for Child Care and Development Block Grants to states, as well as a $960 million increase to Head Start, funding the program at nearly $12 billion for FY 2023. The new funding law additionally includes an increase of $25 million to $315 million for Preschool Development Grants.
