Senate Passes Hassan-Supported Effort to Increase Access to Substance Use Disorder Treatment in Jails and Prisons

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Maggie Hassan

August 02, 2021

WASHINGTON –The U.S. Senate passed bipartisan legislation that Senator Maggie Hassan helped introduce to expand access to important substance use disorder treatment in jails and prisons around the country, and help those exiting correctional facilities continue their treatment in the community.

“We need to do everything that we can to expand substance use disorder treatment to all who need it. As individuals prepare for re-entry into society, we must take a 360 degree look at the issues they face, including substance use disorder. In doing so, we can help improve public safety and public health for communities and address some of the factors that can impact recidivism,” said Senator Hassan.

The Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Act improves the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) for State Prisoners Program, which aims to break the cycle of substance use disorder for those in state, local, and tribal correctional facilities. The program provides residential substance abuse treatment for people in jails and prisons; prepares them for reintegration into their community by incorporating reentry planning activities into treatment programs; and assists individuals and their communities through the reentry process by delivering community-based treatment and other services.

The Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Act is supported by: National Criminal Justice Association, National Association of Social Workers, Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), Major County Sheriffs of America, National Police Foundation, National Association for Behavioral Healthcare, The National Council for Behavioral Health, Dismas Charities Inc., Center for Court Innovation, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Westcare Foundation International, Community Corrections Association, Correctional Leaders Association, American Psychological Association, National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors, and National Association of Drug Court Professionals.

Senator Hassan is leading bipartisan efforts to combat the substance use disorder crisis, and since 2017 has worked to secure more than $86 million to New Hampshire in State Opioid Response grant funding to address the substance use disorder epidemic. Senator Hassan is also leading bipartisan efforts to vastly increase access to life-saving addiction medicine by pushing to eliminate a requirement that currently blocks millions of highly trained health professionals from prescribing medication-assisted treatment to their patients. In April, the Biden administration announced that it is removing some of the more burdensome barriers that Senator Hassan is working to eliminate.
