NH Delegation Slams NH Executive Council Vote Denying Family Planning Funding to Health Care Providers

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Maggie Hassan

September 15, 2021

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Representatives Annie Kuster (NH-02) and Chris Pappas (NH-01) issued the following statements after the New Hampshire Executive Council voted to terminate multiple contracts for family planning services, which effectively defunds critical services for women’s health providers across New Hampshire, like Planned Parenthood:

“I never thought I’d live to see such egregious, dangerous attacks on women’s personal health decisions in the ‘Live Free or Die’ state like what we’ve experienced from New Hampshire Republicans over these few months. The incessant attacks on women’s reproductive health will not reduce the number of abortions – they will compromise access to essential health services and increase the number of dangerous abortions. And Republicans know that. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if we were talking about men’s bodies and health decisions, it wouldn’t even be up for discussion,” said Senator Shaheen. “The Executive Council is denying New Hampshire family planning providers necessary funding to serve women in our communities, all so they can score political points. Providers have made it clear that without these funds they will likely have to cut services, denying critical care to Granite Staters and disproportionately impacting low-income women. State House and Senate Republicans and the Governor must stop their anti-woman, anti-choice priorities. Their grandstanding is beyond the pale and will have real consequences for the health and safety of Granite Staters. I’ll continue to work at the federal level to counter these attacks on women’s health to protect personal health decisions that belong between a woman and her doctor – not Republican lawmakers on the Executive Council.”

“The Executive Council’s vote to block funding for Planned Parenthood and other family planning providers is a dangerous attack on women’s health and well-being. This vote threatens access to high-quality reproductive health care, including cancer screenings, for thousands of Granite Staters,” said Senator Hassan. “I will continue to support women’s health care access and fight for funding for Planned Parenthood and family planning providers in the wake of today’s harmful vote.”

“Today, the Republican-led Executive Council made clear that their priority is catering to far-right ideological extremists, not protecting the health and wellbeing of Granite State women and families,” said Representative Kuster. “Their dangerous decision to end contracts for family planning services across the state — a misguided effort to strip women of their constitutional right to abortion — is deeply disappointing and will have devastating consequences for New Hampshire health care providers and their patients. When women lack access to the health care services they need, lives are needlessly lost. Safe access to reproductive and preventive care including birth control, STI treatment, and cancer screening for NH residents is essential. The Executive Council’s decision will cut off critical resources for our most vulnerable populations. I will continue working to ensure every Granite Stater has access to the reproductive care they need and combat the consequences of today’s decision.”

“It is simply outrageous that a majority on the New Hampshire Executive Council rejected these family planning contracts today. In doing so, these councilors have put their own extreme political views ahead of what’s best for New Hampshire women and families,” said Representative Pappas. “As a former Executive Councilor who considered these contracts in the past, I know how crucial these funds are to provide services including birth control, annual exams, cancer screenings, and STI testing. I’ve been in touch with the Department of Health and Human Services at the federal level, and will do all I can to ensure family planning providers can continue to meet the needs of their patients.”
