Daines Delivers Speech on the Democrats’ Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act

Source: United States Senator for Montana Steve Daines


U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines, founder and chair of the Senate Pro-Life Caucus, today spoke on the floor of the United States Senate ahead of tomorrow’s vote on the Democrats’ radical “Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act,” which imposes abortion on demand without limits up until the moment of birth across all fifty states.

To watch the full speech, click HERE.

Excerpts from Daines’ remarks as prepared for delivery:

“What began with the unprecedented leak of the draft majority opinion last Monday, has quickly devolved into protesting at the justices’ homes, threatening and disrupting church services, vandalizing pregnancy resource centers that offer support services to pregnant moms, and even throwing Molotov cocktails at the offices of a pro-life organization…

“It’s chilling, and it’s unacceptable… 

“This watershed decision would be a tremendous victory for the fight for life, and turn the page on a dark chapter of our nation’s history in which more than 62 million unborn children have been tragically killed…  

“If the draft opinion stands, and I pray that it does, it transfers that power from unelected judges and gives it back to the American people and their elected representatives to enact compassionate laws that protect unborn babies and their mothers…  

“If the Democrats exploiting the unprecedented leak of the majority draft opinion to stir up their far-Left base and intimidate Justices isn’t bad enough, they are now trying to pass a radical bill to impose abortion on demand without limits across the entire country, even up to the moment of birth…

“Under the Democrats’ bill, a preborn child, simply for the crime of being “unwanted”, or “inconvenient”, or “unplanned”, could be subjected to brutal dismemberment procedures, in which the unborn child bleeds and feels excruciating pain as she dies from being pulled apart limb from limb…

“The Democrats’ abortion bill would codify an extreme abortion regime that is aligned with brutal nations such as China and North Korea –which would impose abortion up until the moment of birth without any limits in all 50 states…  

“In a nutshell, this radical bill would make the United States of America one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a preborn child…

To read Daines’ full remarks as prepared for delivery, click HERE.



Contact: Rachel Dumke,  Katie Schoettler