Senator Tim Scott Votes “No” on Bloated Omnibus Bill

Source: United States Senator for South Carolina Tim Scott

Thursday | December 22, 2022

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) released the following statement on his vote against the bloated and rushed omnibus spending package.

“A rushed end-of-year vote on a $1.7 trillion spending package chock full of government waste is exactly the type of bad governance South Carolinians sent me to Washington to fight against,” said Senator Tim Scott. “For two years, Democrats’ out-of-control spending has fueled record-high inflation that’s squeezing the budgets of hard-working Americans and families growing up in poverty like I did. Instead of crafting a bill focused on bringing down prices, helping small business owners, securing our border, and increasing opportunity for all Americans, we are being asked to blindly pass legislation that will plunge our nation even further into debt in service of liberal priorities like more IRS funding and a radical climate agenda.

“While I was pleased to see legislation I authored included in the package, I could not in good conscience vote for yet another debt-increasing, taxpayer-dollar-wasting, big-government spending bill. I will continue to stand up against this type of mismanagement that puts the American Dream further and further out of reach for the next generation.”


Bundled with the omnibus spending bill was a legislative package that contained a number of Scott-led bills or supported provisions, including:

  • An extension of the National Flood Insurance Program authorization and borrowing authority;
  • Portions of Senator Scott’s MADE in America Act that strengthen the U.S. pharmaceutical supply chain;
  • A 2-year extension of Medicare telehealth flexibilities;
  • A 2-year extension of the hospital at home program, based off of language in Senator Scott’s Hospital Inpatient Modernization Act;
  • Senator Scott’s Advancing Auto Portability Act, which cuts red tape to help Americans who change jobs frequently to increase retirement savings; and
  • Key provisions of Senator Scott’s IGNITE HBCU Excellence Act.


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