Senator Scott Pushes Back on Biden Mandates, Encourages Vaccination in New Video

Source: United States Senator for South Carolina Tim Scott

Friday | September 24, 2021

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) released a new installment of his “Two with Tim” video series, in which he pushed back on the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates and promoted a community-based approach to vaccination.

Click to watch the video


President Biden’s recent attempt to force private companies into mandating vaccinations for employees is clear government overreach that won’t bring us any closer together—or help us solve the many problems we are facing.

COVID-19 has taken a devastating toll on folks across the nation—physically, emotionally, and economically.

As I’ve said for the past year, I want our economy—and our country—to fully reopen. That means getting kids back in school and adults back to work.

But our battle with COVID-19 won’t be won by Washington elites making sweeping declarations or federal mandates.

At a time when our nation’s leaders should be working together for solutions and bringing people together, Biden’s actions are creating a world of division.

Instead of politicizing this issue, we should encourage folks to unite around commonsense solutions. 

Over the past few months, it has become clear that vaccines provide strong protection against severe illness and death as it relates COVID-19. This is really important for you to recognize that we can save lives through this approach.

In my home state of South Carolina, around 80 percent of hospitalized COVID patients have not been fully vaccinated. And nationally, unvaccinated people are nearly 30 times more likely to be hospitalized because of the virus.

In 2020, as many of us lost loved ones to this devastating disease, we prayed for a safe and effective vaccine. Well, thanks to Operation Warp Speed, we have not one, but three vaccines available.

Look, I believe all signs point to vaccination as the best option. That’s why so many people, including myself, have already gotten the shot.

All of our living presidents— from President Donald Trump to President Jimmy Carter—are vaccinated.

All of our states’ governors—yes, 27 Republican governors and 23 Democrat governors—are all vaccinated.

And the vast majority of Congress members—both Republicans and Democrats—[have] all been vaccinated.

At the end of the day, vaccination is about protecting ourselves and our loved ones from severe illness.

COVID-19 is a battle that has to be fought not by Washington elites and federal mandates, but by each member of the South Carolina family. 

As with any other issue facing our nation today, if we work together, we can and we will overcome the challenges that we face.


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