ICYMI: Scott Talks Infrastructure, Inflation, Police Reform on Fox News Sunday

Source: United States Senator for South Carolina Tim Scott

Monday | July 26, 2021

WASHINGTON – Yesterday, Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) joined Fox News Sunday to sound the alarm about harmful Democrat policies that are putting a financial strain on the American people. He also discussed his ongoing police reform efforts and emphasized his opposition to defunding the police.

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On the Democrats’ non-existent infrastructure package … “It’s amazing when we have a vote in the Senate on a procedural vote to move to a bill that you haven’t seen. The days of actually having to pass it to know what’s in it [have] to be over. That is not in America’s best interest to literally have blank pages on a multi-trillion-dollar spending plan. … we should be asking ourselves: what’s really in there? And without clarity, you don’t move forward.”

On Democrat spending and inflation … “Wages went up a little bit, but inflation was so high — over 5% — that your actual spending power is down. … And we have liberals in Washington literally saying, ‘We need more. The economy is overheating, but let’s spend and put more fire on the economy.’ … Secretary Yellen said just a few weeks ago that, yes, we should expect inflation to continue to increase for the next several months. That’s not transitory.”

On ongoing police reform efforts … “I think there is hope for the bill, without any question. We worked on it yesterday. We’ll have another conversation today. We’ll be meeting tomorrow. I’ll be talking with law enforcement leaders tomorrow as well.

“The one thing you cannot do in police reform is leave the impression that somehow we’re going to demonize police officers. … And if you tell officers that their personal liability is on the line, it is a bad decision. That’s one of the reasons why we’ve never been negotiating on qualified immunity for the individual officer. It’s just bad policy; I won’t support it. Things like the chokehold and 1033, which is the militarization of police, those are things we can negotiate on. No knock warrants — we can make them better and more transparent. We’re making progress on those issues, but we cannot and I will not support defunding the police.”

On the path forward … “I hope that we keep in mind not Republicans or Democrats, but we keep in mind the American people. … Reducing inflation? Good for America. Getting rid of the disincentives for work? Good for America. And restoring confidence that we can actually a have strong presence of law enforcement in the poorest and the hardest-hit communities? [Good for America.] … We should take those facts and use them to fuse together an agenda that the American people will celebrate because it’s about them and not about politicians in Washington.”


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