Rob’s Rundown: Week of November 28 – December 2, 2022

Source: United States Senator for Ohio Rob Portman

December 2, 2022 | Rob’s Rundown

Senator Portman was back in Washington this week where he spoke on the Senate floor for the 26th consecutive session week regarding the situation in Ukraine. Portman focused on the ongoing assault on Ukrainian infrastructure, including energy facilities, residential areas, and hospitals. Portman made note of several Russian atrocities, including a deplorable Russian strike on a maternity ward that killed a two-day-old boy, and mentioned heroic stories of common Ukrainian civilians standing up to their Russian invaders against overwhelming odds. During his last and 10th visit to Ukraine, he witnessed firsthand battered towns and cities and met with Ukrainian leaders to discuss continued U.S. aid and why it is important that the U.S. and our allies not falter as the tide turns against Russia. Portman made clear he opposes any effort to cut off funding, adding that reports detail strong accountability from the Ukrainian government and virtually no wasted resources.

On Tuesday, Portman delivered remarks on the Senate floor and praised the passage of the Respect for Marriage Act, legislation to codify and protect the recognition of same-sex marriages in the United States. Portman noted the overwhelming American consensus that same-sex marriages should be recognized. The legislation now heads back to the House of Representatives, where it is expected to pass and be sent to President Biden for his signature.

On Thursday, Portman received the Star of Ukraine Award from The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation which honors those who have contributed to promoting Ukraine’s image internationally.

For a more detailed look at Senator Portman’s week, please see the following:

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Portman Delivers Opening Remarks at Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing to Consider European Ambassador Nominees

Today U.S. Senator Rob Portman delivered opening remarks during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee nominations hearing to consider Christopher T. Robinson, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Latvia, George P. Kent, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Estonia, Kenneth Merten, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Bulgaria, Kathleen Ann Kavalec, to be Ambassador to Romania, and Bijan Sabet, to serve as Ambassador to the Czech Republic.

Senator Portman said he looked forward to hearing more about the nominees’ efforts to fight disinformation and cyber threats if they were to serve in their respective countries. He also raised the topic of Russia’s continued threats on the battlefield in Ukraine and thanked the nominees for their current work in public service.

A video of Senator Portman’s remarks can be found here.

On Senate Floor, Portman Urges Passage of Bipartisan Respect for Marriage Act   

This afternoon, U.S. Senator Rob Portman delivered remarks on the Senate floor urging passage of the Respect for Marriage Act, legislation to codify and protect the recognition of same-sex marriages in the United States. Senator Portman stated the importance of marriage as a foundational unit of society and discussed proposed amendments to the bill. Senator Portman noted his strong belief that our laws should reflect the overwhelming American consensus that same-sex marriages should be recognized. 

He also addressed the critiques of the bill, and outlined the significant religious liberty protections in a bipartisan amendment developed collaboratively with numerous faith-based organizations. This legislation — including a robust religious liberty amendment — has been praised by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the National Association of Evangelicals, the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, the Center for Public Justice, The AND Campaign, the Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance, and the 1st Amendment Partnership.

Earlier this month, a cloture vote on this legislation passed by a vote of 62-37, with 12 Republicans voting in favor, including Senator Portman. This legislation will now go to the Senate floor for a final vote and is now one step closer to becoming law.

A video of his remarks can be found here.

Portman Praises Senate Passage of The Respect for Marriage Act

Today, U.S. Senator Rob Portman, a cosponsor of The Respect for Marriage Act and key supporter of the legislation, praised bipartisan Senate passage of the bill. The legislation now heads back to the House of Representatives, where it is expected to pass and be sent to President Biden for his signature:

“This is a momentous day in the Senate and I am proud of my colleagues whose hard work made passage of this bill possible. The American people want this issue settled, and with the passage of this bill, millions of married couples will get the certainty and peace of mind they deserve by having their marriage protected.

“The Supreme Court acknowledged same-sex marriage as a constitutional right in 2015, yet current law allows states and the federal government to refuse to recognize valid same-sex marriages. The Respect for Marriage Act, which has already passed the House with bipartisan support, simply guarantees that valid same-sex marriages from one state will be recognized by the federal government and other states. It ensures that valid marriages between two individuals are given full faith and credit, regardless of the couple’s sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin.

“Throughout this process, I also listened to the concerns raised by religious organizations and worked with my colleagues to strengthen the religious liberty protections in the bill while still preserving the rights of same-sex married couples. A group of constitutional scholars who specialize in religious liberty have analyzed the bill and concluded that it does not pose new litigation risks to faith-based groups, but contains important protections that will now be enshrined into the law. I believe that the rights of same-sex couples can and must coexist with religious freedom protections and that the rights of both groups can be advanced when people come together and work in good faith.


“I look forward to House passage of this legislation and to President Biden signing it into law.”

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

On Senate Floor, Portman Discusses Russia’s Assault on Ukrainian Infrastructure,

Urges More Aid for Ukraine and Continued U.S. Support  

Yesterday, U.S. Senator Rob Portman spoke on the Senate floor as Russia continues its illegal and brutal war on Ukraine for the 26th consecutive week while the Senate has been in session. Portman focused on the ongoing assault on Ukrainian infrastructure, including energy facilities, residential areas, and hospitals. Portman made note of several Russian atrocities, including a deplorable Russian strike on a maternity ward that killed a two-day-old boy, and mentioned heroic stories of common Ukrainian civilians standing up to their Russian invaders against overwhelming odds.

During his last and 10th visit to Ukraine earlier this month, he witnessed firsthand battered towns and cities and met with Ukrainian leaders to discuss continued U.S. aid and why it is important that the U.S. and our allies not falter as the tide turns against Russia. Portman made clear he opposes any effort to cut off funding, adding that reports detail strong accountability from the Ukrainian government and virtually no wasted resources.

A co-founder of the bipartisan Senate Ukraine Caucus and member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Portman has met with various Ukrainian officials and has long been a vocal supporter of Ukraine’s fight for freedom over tyranny. He will continue to ensure the United States supports Ukraine from President Putin’s unprovoked and deadly assault.

A video can be found here.

Portman Delivers Opening Remarks at Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing on the Nomination for U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation

During Hearing, Portman Also Questions Nominee on Russia’s Illegal War on Ukraine & Making Sanctions More Effective

Today during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee nominations hearing, U.S. Senator Rob Portman introduced Ohio native Lynne Tracy, who is being considered as the Ambassador to the Russian Federation. Portman praised Ambassador Tracy’s long career in the Foreign Service, particularly her extensive experience working in the former Soviet Union, including Russia. He also discussed the strained U.S.-Russian relationship and the importance of appointing a well-equipped ambassador like Ambassador Tracy.

During his questioning of Ambassador Tracy, Senator Portman asked Ambassador Tracy about her opinion of current U.S. sanctions against Russia, to which she said the U.S. could stand to tighten sanctions, especially in the energy sector, so that the Russian’s economy felt maximum pressure. Senator Portman also pressed Ambassador Tracy on her strategy to get Russia to the bargaining table, given the extremely strained relationship between our two countries.

The video can be found here and here.

