Sen. Cramer Discusses New Climate Reparations Fund on Kudlow

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

BISMARCK – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND), member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, joined Larry Kudlow on Fox Business to discuss the COP27 agreement to create a climate reparations fund. Excerpts and full video are below.

On Climate Reparations:

“It might be the most absurd international policy I’ve ever heard of. We can’t afford to give more money to other people, especially for the purpose of reparations as some sort of a guilt payment, because we’re more developed than they are. In fact, what they ought to do is say, ‘Thank you very much United States of America for providing security, for stabilizing our governments, for defending us, for feeding us.’ Instead, they demand payments and John Kerry is dumb enough to sign off on it. We don’t even have the money and even if we had the money, it wouldn’t be in the top one million things that I do with it on behalf of the people of the United States. It’s a crazy scheme.”

On Giving China Climate Reparations:

“You look at places like China, by the way, another one of those ‘developing nations’ that won’t be paying into this reparations fund. They build more [coal plants] in a year than the rest of the world does.”

“They’re technically entitled to [the reparations fund] because they are ‘developing’ under the United Nations’ definition of a developing country. Certainly, we wouldn’t let that happen, I would hope. In fact, if anybody’s going to pay into the fund, [China] should. They are by far the biggest polluters speaking of coal. And next to them is India speaking of coal. The idea that China would be exempt from paying in, and worse, a recipient of this [climate reparations fund] from [developed] countries is absurd to me.”

On American Energy:

“In North Dakota, we are now producing about 1.1 million barrels of oil per day. We’re down a little from our peak, but we do that with under 5,000 pads. We know how to do it cleaner than anybody in the world. The cleanest barrel of oil comes from the Bakken. Let’s produce more here and not rely on and be dependent on Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Iran, and others.”

“If we are going to continue to tackle global climate change—and I’m not hysterical about it like John Kerry is— the United States in our innovation and in our advancements are the ones who are going to solve this problem, but not if you kill the innovators. It’s just truly absurd. We should try to be lifting the world up, not dragging the world down.”

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