New Rubio Video Highlights Amoxicillin Shortage, Plan To Bring Manufacturing Back To America

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

As the holidays and winter approach, parents across the country are scrambling to find antibiotics, including amoxicillin, that are used to treat common childhood illnesses. Far-flung supply chains, still backed up from the initial shock of COVID-19, have been unable to meet the burst in demand as severe respiratory viruses run rampant.
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released a video highlighting the need to bring pharmaceutical manufacturing back to the United States.

  • “It should be clear that off-shoring critical manufacturing no longer works for the American people. It is time to bring medical and pharmaceutical production back home so we no longer have to rely on foreign nations to keep our people safe and healthy.” – Senator Rubio  


Flashback … Rubio raised the alarm in 2019 about America’s overreliance on foreign nations, especially China, for active pharmaceutical ingredients. Working with Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Rubio successfully led several efforts to address supply chain dependence, particularly within the military.
Looking forward … Rubio and Representative Jenniffer González Colón (R-PR) will work to pass their Medical Manufacturing, Economic Development, and Sustainability (MMEDS) Act, which was first introduced in 2020.
Want more information? Read an op-ed from Rubio and Representative Ashley Hinson (R-IA) in Iowa’s Dubuque Telegraph Herald.