Hoeven to DOE Nominees: The Grid Needs Reliable Baseload Power Sources, Like Coal; Work with ND to Advance CCUS

Source: United States Senator for North Dakota John Hoeven


Senator Invites Nominees to North Dakota

WASHINGTON – At a hearing of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee today, Senator John Hoeven:

  • Stressed the importance of maintaining reliable baseload power sources, like coal-fired electricity.
  • Pressed U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) nominees to work with North Dakota in cracking the code on carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies to help secure coal’s future in the nation’s energy mix. 

In his discussions with David Crane and Gene Rodrigues, the nominees to serve as DOE’s Under Secretary for Infrastructure and Assistant Secretary for the Office of Electricity, respectively, the senator outlined his longtime work to establish North Dakota’s leadership in CCUS and highlighted efforts like Project Tundra, which will be one of the largest carbon capture projects in the world.

“North Dakota has at least five major CCUS projects either operating or in development right now, including at the Dakota Gasification Company and at two of our coal-fired power plants,” said Hoeven. “Energy security is national security. That’s why our state is leading the way in cracking the code on this critical energy technology to ensure our nation can continue utilizing all of its abundant energy resources, including coal. Doing so is essential in strengthening our electrical grid and making sure every American home and business has access to affordable and reliable power, regardless of weather conditions. It’s vital that nominees to key DOE positions understand this fact and these important priorities for North Dakota.”

Hoeven has worked for nearly 15 years to advance the development of CCUS technologies in North Dakota, which will enable the U.S. to continue utilizing all of its abundant energy resources, including coal. His efforts include:

  • As governor, creating a regulatory framework for carbon storage when:
    • oHe established the North Dakota COStorage Workgroup in 2008.
    • oHe advanced a bill through the legislature to grant this authority to the North Dakota Industrial Commission.
    • oThe state enacted legislation that granted ownership of the pore space to the owner of the overlying surface estate.
    • As U.S. Senator, securing approval of the state’s application for regulatory primacy over the use of Class VI wells for geologic storage of CO2.
    • oNorth Dakota is one of only two states to have this regulatory authority.
    • To implement and enhance the 45Q tax credit, one of the most important incentives to make CCUS projects commercially-viable.
    • Funding critical loan guarantees from DOE and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). 
    • Securing front end investment in technology development, including bolstering the partnership between DOE and the Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC).
