Shaheen, Fuel Suppliers & CAP Representatives Discuss Resources Available to Help Granite Staters with Home Heating Costs

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen

October 27, 2022

**Earlier in the day, Shaheen Delivered Remarks at UNH’s National Lab Day Conference** 

(Manchester, NH) – This morning, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) lead a roundtable discussion at Southern NH Services’ Sundance Village to highlight federal funds available to assist Granite Staters with home heating costs this winter. During the discussion, fuel suppliers, program managers, Southern NH Services staff and stakeholders provided an outlook for the winter ahead, as well as information on federal and state programs available to assist Granite Staters with home heating costs.  

A resource document released by Senator Shaheen outlines specific residential energy credits, incentives and programs available to Granite Staters following the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and is available here. 

“With increases in home heating costs expected this winter, Granite State families shouldn’t have to choose between staying warm and putting food on the table,” said Senator Shaheen, who as a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, routinely secures robust federal funding for programs that help Americans afford their energy bills. “There are numerous programs and opportunities available to help Granite Staters, but those are only effective if folks know about them. That’s why I was glad to meet with New Hampshire advocates and fuel providers to discuss how we can get the word out and connect families with the tools they need to participate in programs, access energy efficiency incentives and more to keep bills down. I’ll keep working across the aisle in Congress and with the Biden administration to see continued support for these vital programs that thousands of New Hampshire families rely on.” 

As a senior appropriator, Senator Shaheen has consistently secured federal funding for the for Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to assist low-income households and seniors on fixed incomes in paying their energy bills and staying safe during the winter. Earlier this month, Shaheen joined a bipartisan coalition of senators in a push urging for the swift release of LIHEAP funds. Shaheen also champions the Weatherization Assistance Program and other energy efficiency measures to help Granite Staters keep their energy usage down and lower their monthly bills. 

Senator Shaheen participates in a roundtable discussion in Manchester earlier today about lowering home heating costs. 

Earlier in the day, Shaheen delivered remarks at the University of New Hampshire (UNH)’s National Lab Day Conference. The conference’s goal is to connect and develop partnerships between representatives from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), national laboratories, researchers from institutions of higher learning and students to address the energy and environmental challenges faced by New Hampshire and the region. 

Senator Shaheen delivers remarks at UNH this morning. 

“We are transforming how we produce, move and consume energy in this country. Our national labs are at the forefront of tackling this and other major scientific challenges of our time. And UNH is training some of the best and brightest to take on this work,” said Senator Shaheen, who chairs the Appropriations Subcommittee that funds our national science agencies. “I was thrilled to participate in UNH’s National Lab Day to share some of my top priorities in this sphere, including the significant investments in energy efficiency achieved in recent months through the historic climate bill and the monumental investment in R&D made possible through the CHIPS and Science Act. I hope participants are as excited as I am to discuss the importance of partnerships to advance research and technology in ways that turn challenges into opportunity.” 

Senator Shaheen is a leading policymaker on energy efficiency priorities. From her landmark bipartisan legislation with Senator Portman (R-OH) to her leadership as a negotiator of the bipartisan infrastructure law and her consistent advocacy to include robust funding for important federal programs in annual government funding legislation, Senator Shaheen has secured significant investments in the energy efficiency sector over the years. She recently authored an op-ed for the Union Leader, reminding Granite Staters of the resource and opportunities available to help reduce energy costs at home by making important energy efficiency modifications. It can be read in full here.  

Through her leadership as chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies, Senator Shaheen is a strong advocate for STEM education and scientific research funding priorities. In the CHIPS and Science Act, Shaheen secured inclusion of language based on her bipartisan Supporting STEM Learning Opportunities Act to allow funds to support research and development of innovative STEM educational programming. In August, Shaheen led the delegation in welcoming more than $1.6 million in research grants to UNH and Dartmouth through the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) program, which promotes scientific progress and innovation through partnerships with higher education, government and industries across the nation. 
