Sen. Cramer Calls Out Democrats’ Hypocrisy on Environment, Energy Policies on Kudlow

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

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WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND), member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, joined Larry Kudlow on Fox Business to discuss Democrats’ hypocritical climate and energy policies. Excerpts and full video are below.

On Democrats’ Environmental Hypocrisy: 

“John Kerry ignores [fossil fuels] because he worships at the altar of climatology. One of the greatest stories of hypocrisy in the world is John Kerry with his multiple houses, jets, and big automobiles while telling the rest of us we have to take a subway to work because we need to save the planet.”  

“I think the real goal is that there’d be no greenhouse gas emissions. Now, of course, that means we have to stop exhaling. That means that you certainly can’t eat a steak because those flagellating cows are such a problem. That’s why it’s lunacy… We have to be realistic and you can’t put people at the end of the value chain. It’s a massive political agenda that has very little to do with climate itself.”

On the Importance of Fossil Fuels:

“Everything we produce, everything we grow, everything we manufacture, everything we export, everything we import requires moving the product [and] getting them to market. Literally, [fossil fuels are] in the value chain of everything in the economy. This is why, by the way, core inflation is always a much lower number than inflation. We pretend like inflation is only 6.6% when we take out energy and food production. The reality is energy and food production are the two staples of everybody’s lives and that’s why inflation is directly driven by energy policy.” 

On American Made Energy:

“The cleanest barrel of oil comes from the Bakken in North Dakota. It comes from West Texas. That’s why I like to say the Bakken is the solution, not the [Strategic Petroleum Reserve]. We do it cleaner. We do it better.”

“What [the Biden Administration is] really doing is killing the very innovators who will solve the problem. It’s dumb on top of dumb as I often say. Unfortunately, we’re dealing with people who worship this stuff, as opposed to think[ing] through it in a scientific and economical way.”