Last month, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and U.S. Representative Al Lawson (D-FL) led bipartisan members of the Florida congressional delegation to petition U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Katherine Tai to initiate a Section 301 investigation of fruit and vegetable imports from Mexico and secure trade relief for Florida growers. 
Ambassador Tai denied the request to initiate a Section 301 investigation but committed to work with the Florida delegation to develop solutions to hold Mexico accountable for its unfair trade practices. USTR has invoked a section of law to form an industry advisory panel, which exists to address export targeting schemes. This action is an acknowledgement by USTR that the Florida delegation’s primary assertion is accurate and that Mexico is leveraging subsidies and government policies to conduct an export targeting scheme to undermine Florida’s growers. 

  • “It is unfortunate that Ambassador Tai declined the bipartisan Florida delegation’s request to initiate a Section 301 investigation — especially since she agrees with our assessment that Mexico’s export targeting scheme poses a serious challenge to Florida’s seasonal and perishable fruit and vegetable industries. However, I am pleased that Ambassador Tai has committed to work with us to develop effective trade remedies that will hold Mexico accountable. I look forward to working with her and the administration to deliver much needed relief to Florida’s seasonal perishable fruit and vegetable industries.” – Senator Rubio

Want more information? Read Rubio’s op-ed on Mexican intimidation in the Washington Examiner.