News 10/13/2022 Blackburn, Colleagues Lead Resolution In Support Of The Anti-Regime Protesters In Iran

Source: United States Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), along with Senators Bob Casey (D-Pa.), Bill Cassidy (R-La.), Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) introduced a bicameral Senate resolution reaffirming the United States’ support for the Iranian protesters who have been fiercely fighting for their freedom and fundamental human rights.

Senator Blackburn is speaking out to condemn the barbaric, murderous Iranian regime for their use of violence against the protesters. At a time when the Iranian regime suppresses the voices of Iranian people by brutal violence and cutting off access to the internet, it is important that the United States takes swift action to stand up against the regime’s crimes. This resolution sends a message to the Iranian protesters that their voices are heard and sends a message to the Iranian regime the United States is watching.

“The courageous women across Iran who are protesting the human rights abuses of the Iranian regime are true heroes and should be honored. The horrific murder of Mahsa Amini for simply not wearing a head covering, the violence of the security forces as they do everything in their power to silence those who dare to speak out, and the blacking out of internet and social media across Iran should be a wake-up call to the international community,” said Senator Blackburn. “The Biden Administration must immediately impose additional human rights sanctions on those responsible for the Iranian regime’s brutal crackdown, and prioritize efforts to ensure unrestricted internet access in Iran. My Congressional colleagues and I – in a bipartisan, bicameral manner – stand in solidarity with the women of Iran who are courageously fighting for freedom after years of tyranny and abuse.”

“I am proud to be joined by my colleagues in introducing this important resolution commemorating Mahsa Amini and honoring the brave women and men of Iran giving voice to their rejection of this violent, oppressive and misogynistic regime,” Chairman Menendez said. “Whether through the simple, brave act of removing a hijab, standing in solidarity with those who do, or documenting the regime’s crimes against protestors and telling their story to the world despite increasing violence and communications blackouts, these expressions reflect an honest truth and deeply-held desperation we shouldn’t ignore. Iranians must know that we in the U.S. Congress, across the United States and around the world see and honor their bravery and share in their hope for a free Iran that is at peace with its neighbors as well as its own people.”

“Iranian women are fighting for their freedom,” said Dr. Cassidy. “A 22-year-old Mahsa Amini was killed by the Iranian regime’s morality police for refusing to wear a head covering. We must stand with the women of Iran as they fight for their rights.”

“I’m proud to join my colleagues in solidarity with the heroic women of Iran who are standing against the oppressive Iranian regime’s human rights abuses,” said Senator Rosen. “The international community must support protestors in Iran and immediately impose human rights sanctions on Iranian 
government officials who are repressing the protests.”

“The people of Iran are calling for an end to the regime and putting their lives at great and immediate risk to fight for their freedom and future. They deserve our support and our admiration. The United States should hold accountable the Ayatollah and the rest of the regime for having unleashed barbaric violence against the protesters, and should heed the call of those protesters to completely shun and isolate the regime,” Senator Cruz said.

“Iranian women are fighting for freedom and equal rights as they honor Mahsa Amini’s legacy through their protests and resolve. I commend the courage of every man and woman fighting for basic human rights in Iran and speaking out against the violent Iranian regime,” said Senator Cramer.