Thune on Fox and Friends: Biden Administration’s Lack of Coherent Energy Strategy Jeopardizes our Energy Security and National Security

Source: United States Senator for South Dakota John Thune

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SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today joined Fox and Friends to discuss the Biden administration’s lack of a coherent energy strategy and how the president has been willing to sacrifice our national security, economic security, and energy security for political gain.
On the Biden administration’s hostility to American-made energy:“We were at a point where we were literally energy independent; we were actually exporting energy. We’ve now, again, become dependent upon OPEC and other countries because of this administration’s resistance and outright assault on American energy production.
“This is the price that America pays when we aren’t willing to make the investment and have policies that support the encouragement of American energy production.”
On our country’s national security being weakened by a lack of a coherent energy strategy:
“I think [Democrats], Brian, they will sacrifice our economic security, our energy security, our national security to get a political win in November. I think they’re that desperate, and that’s what I think you’re seeing in full display right now.
“In fact, pulling down the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to the lowest point since 1984, a reserve that’s there for emergencies, and using it for a political purpose is outrageous.”

“By not having an energy policy, not committing to an all-the-above American energy plan, we have now a dependence upon foreign sources, including dictators like Venezuela and in places in the Middle East.
“This is insanity, and I hope the American people rise up and say enough, already. Because [Democrats are] putting not only our energy security at risk, [but] our national security at risk.”