Cotton Demands Answers from Air Force Academy Regarding Reports of Mandatory Diversity Training Exercises

Source: United States Senator for Arkansas Tom Cotton


Contact: Caroline Tabler or James Arnold (202) 224-2353

September 23, 2022

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) sent a letter yesterday to Lieutenant General Richard M. Clark, Superintendent of the U.S. Air Force Academy. Senator Cotton wrote to express his deep concern with reports that the Lieutenant General has commanded cadets to attend “diversity and inclusion” training sessions. The training reportedly instructed cadets to not use gender-specific terms like “mom” or “dad.” The letter asked the Lieutenant General to confirm the details of the training and the official positions of the USAFA towards gendered and race-related language.

In part, the senator wrote:

“These divisive and un-American training exercises have no place in our military and demonstrate an alarming lack of focus at the Air Force Academy. The Air Force Academy ought to teach future airmen to revere our nation’s traditions and values, not to have contempt for them. The USAFA’s increasing politicization is damaging the institution’s reputation, along with the reputation of the U.S. Air Force as a whole.”

Full text of the letter may be found below.


September 22, 2022


Lieutenant General Richard M. Clark

Superintendent, United States Air Force Academy

2304 Cadet Drive, Suite 3100
USAF Academy, CO 80840-5002

Dear Lieutenant General Clark,

I write to express my deep concern with reports that the Air Force Academy recently forced cadets under your command to attend “diversity and inclusion” training sessions. Cadets were reportedly instructed to refrain from using terms such as, “boyfriend” and “girlfriend” or “mom” and “dad,” and instead use terms that “include all gender.” The training also condemns the use of the term “colorblind” or the claim that a someone does not “see color.” Even the term “terrorist” was deemed inappropriate.

“These divisive and un-American training exercises have no place in our military and demonstrate an alarming lack of focus at the Air Force Academy. The Air Force Academy ought to teach future airmen to revere our nation’s traditions and values, not to have contempt for them. The USAFA’s increasing politicization is damaging the institution’s reputation, along with the reputation of the U.S. Air  Force as a whole.”

Given these concerns, please respond to the following questions by October 3, 2022.

1.    Can you confirm that the aforementioned training took place?

2.    How many cadets were subjected to this training?

3.    How much money does USAFA spend on similar “diversity” training?

4.    Is it the official position of the USAFA that gendered language, such as “mom” and “dad,” is offensive or should be avoided by cadets?

5.    Is it the official position of the USAFA that terms advocating for equal treatment on the basis of race, such as “colorblind,” are offensive and should be avoided by cadets?

6.    Is it the official position of the USAFA that the term “terrorist” is offensive and should be avoided by cadets?


Senator Tom Cotton

