ICYMI: Rubio: Democrat Hypocrisy on Display as Violent Criminals Enter U.S.

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Democrat hypocrisy on display as violent criminals enter U.S.
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
September 21, 2022
El American

Last week, the media exploded with hysteria after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis flew 50 illegal migrants to Martha’s Vineyard…. [Meanwhile,] reports surfaced that the Venezuelan narco-regime is releasing violent criminals, including “some convicted of murder, rape, and extortion,” to cross America’s open southern border….
Because of the Biden Administration’s disastrous policies, thousands of illegal migrants routinely cross the Darien jungle and slip across the southern border—U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) sources report more than 900,000 “gotaways” since October 2020. It wouldn’t take much for Venezuelan criminals to follow the same pathway.
Even if they are apprehended, there is no guarantee CBP will identify them. The minimal vetting that happens before the Biden Administration releases captured migrants inside the U.S. requires accurate records. Even if these criminals use their real names, Maduro isn’t going to volunteer his state prison records anytime soon….
Maduro isn’t the only one exploiting the border crisis at our expense. After last year’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, terrorists released by the Taliban may be making their way to the U.S. through Mexico. And both Castro’s successor in Cuba and the tyrannical Ortega-Murillo regime in Nicaragua are actively encouraging mass migration to America….
[I]f President Biden were really interested in protecting American citizens from violent crime, he’d be working to secure our border from murderers, human traffickers, and drug dealers—including members of deadly gangs like Venezuela’s Tren de Aragua and Colombia’s Primera Linea, which may be seeking to establish toeholds in the U.S….
Together with fellow members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, I’m calling for a formal assessment of mass migration trends in the Western Hemisphere. I’m also calling on the Biden Administration to stop its negligent policies and reckless rhetoric…. Our politicians and media both must give the border the attention it deserves.

Read the rest here.