King Celebrates “Historic” Confirmation of Maine Resident as Nation’s First Cyber Ambassador

Source: United States Senator for Maine Angus King

BRUNSWICK, ME – U.S. Senator Angus King, Chair of the Cyberspace Solarium Commission (CSC), today applauded the Senate’s unanimous confirmation of Cape Elizabeth resident Nathaniel Fick to be the State’s Department’s first -ever Ambassador at Large for Cyberspace and Digital Policy. In the role, which was recommended by the CSC, Fick will coordinate America’s international response to cyberthreats and shifting cyber dynamics. Senator King previously introduced Ambassador Fick to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and urged his urgent confirmation.

“Today, with the confirmation of Cape Elizabeth’s Nate Fick, the United States has taken a historic, long overdue step to address our rapidly-changing cyber environment. With Ambassador Fick coordinating our global cyberdiplomacy, America will be better positioned to respond to growing threats, inform the development of global rules of engagement, and create desperately needed international norms for cyber,” said Senator King. “Our country has lagged behind in shaping policies beyond our shores to defend us in this war without borders. I hope that ends today. This unanimous confirmation is a testament to the importance of the role and to Nate’s impressive qualifications. I look forward to seeing the Ambassador’s work, and to our continued partnership on the cyber issues facing our country.”

Nathaniel Fick is a Cape Elizabeth, Maine resident and was previously the general manager of Elastic Security, where he led Elastic’s information security business. He also served as CEO of Endgame, a cybersecurity software company, from 2012 through its acquisition by Elastic in 2019. Fast Company magazine named him one of the One Hundred Most Creative People in Business, and under his leadership, Forbes selected Endgame as one of the one hundred best cloud companies in the world. Fick started his career as a U.S. Marine Corps infantry and reconnaissance officer, including combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. Fick holds a BA in classics from Dartmouth College, an MPA from Harvard Kennedy School, and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

The Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy (CDP) began operations in April 2022 after its creation was recommended by the Cyberspace Solarium Commission. The Bureau leads and coordinates the State Department’s work on cyberspace and digital diplomacy. Fick is the first Ambassador at Large for the Bureau where he will now build on the CDP’s work to encourage responsible state behavior in cyberspace and advance policies that protect the integrity and security the United States.

As Co-Chair of the Cyberspace Solarium Commission (CSC), and a member of the Senate Armed Services and Intelligence Committees, Senator King is recognized as one of Congress’ leading experts on cyberdefense and is a strong advocate for a forward-thinking cyberstrategy that emphasizes layered cyberdeterrence. Since it officially launched in April 2019dozens of CSC recommendations have been enacted into law, including the creation of a National Cyber Director.