Rubio Introduces Pro-family Plan for a “Post-Roe” America

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Following the U.S. Supreme Court decision on Dobbs, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) introduced his Providing for Life Act. The legislation combines existing Rubio legislation with new, pro-family proposals to provide comprehensive support for pregnant and new moms, as well as their young children. Rubio released the framework for the legislation in June.

  • “America’s pro-abortion legal regime may be over, but our work is far from finished. Being truly pro-life requires an understanding of the pain and struggle, arising from serious difficulties and responsibilities motherhood entails, which lead a woman to abort her baby.


  • “As we take steps to protect the unborn, we have a duty to address those challenges. This comprehensive legislation will provide real assistance for American parents and children in need.” – Senator Rubio

U.S. Representative Ashley Hinson (R-IA) introduced companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.

  • “I am committed to supporting moms both during pregnancy and once their babies are born – we should be engaged in uplifting and strengthening families, and I appreciate Senator Rubio’s leadership and partnership on this comprehensive, pro-family package. The policies in the Providing for Life Act, particularly the expanded Child Tax Credit, will make a meaningful difference for women and families in Iowa and across the country.” – Representative Hinson

Looking for details? A summary of key provisions in Rubio’s bill is available here. And the full text is available here.
The bill received praise from a pro-family, pro-life, bipartisan group of advocates.

  • “From the moment a woman learns she is pregnant, throughout her pregnancy, and after her child is born, every mother deserves the support and critical resources she needs to care for herself and her baby,” said Hon. Marilyn Musgrave, SBA Pro-Life America’s vice president of government affairs. “The Providing for Life Act both recognizes the humanity of unborn children and helps address the challenges moms and families face so they can make life-affirming decisions and thrive. We thank Senator Rubio and Congresswoman Hinson for introducing this comprehensive pro-life package and we hope to see it garner bipartisan support.” – Hon. Marilyn Musgraves, Vice President of Government Affairs, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America


  • “Senator Rubio has gone above and beyond to craft a creative and comprehensive package of policy solutions that support unborn life and family formation. Family Research Council helped author the original child tax credit in 1997, as a way for the federal government to alleviate the extra financial responsibilities placed upon parents raising children. This package expands upon that principle by reforming important health and welfare programs to be more supportive of life, and affirms the principle role that families play in American society. We hope this marks the beginning of a new era in which our public policies both protect unborn life and support new parents.” – Connor Semelsberger, Director of Federal Affairs for Life and Human Dignity, Family Research Council


  • “Sen. Marco Rubio and Rep. Ashley Hinson’s Providing for Life Act is a compassionate and intelligent approach to building a culture of life in a Post-Roe America.  The plan provides new opportunities for faith-based and service organizations to engage in helping even more women, allows people to use their own money to benefit their families, and ensures that abortion vendors like Planned Parenthood don’t siphon off scarce resources from deserving women. We must protect life in law and in service, and Sen. Rubio and Rep. Hinson’s package of bills will help us do just that. For more than 10 years, Students for Life of America’s Standing with You initiative has connected women with help at the local, state, and federal levels so that no woman stands alone in her moment of need. We are also standing with Sen. Rubio and Rep. Hinson as they work to help women and their children, born and preborn.” – Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America


  •  “Democrats For Life is proud to endorse and support the Providing for Life Act. There has been a void and lack of focus on the needs of new mothers. This legislation brings much-needed attention and provides comprehensive solutions to fill that void. This shouldn’t be a partisan issue. No one needs to lose—and mothers in need can gain. The support allows for a real choice for mothers whether the pregnancy is planned or unplanned.” – Kristen Day, Executive Director, Democrats for Life of America


  • “A driving force behind the decision to seek an abortion is the absence of alternative options to help the mother and save her baby.  The “Providing For Life Act” is a strong and comprehensive step forward that will provide the necessary support for them when it is most needed.  The Catholic Medical Association fully supports this bill and calls on Congress to protect the most vulnerable Americans with prompt passage and implementation.” – Tim Millea, M.D., Chair of Catholic Medical Association’s Health Care Policy Committee


  • National Right to Life applauds Sen. Marco Rubio and Rep. Hinson for introducing the Providing for Life Act. This important legislation will offer significant support to pregnant women and new moms. The prolife movement has been committed to not only protecting unborn babies, but helping their mothers as well.  This important comprehensive legislation will build on the work going on across the country and would connect mothers to comprehensive federal resources.  We thank Sen. Rubio and Rep. Hinson for their efforts to support mothers and create a culture of life.” – Jennifer Popik, Director of Federal Legislation, National Right to Life


  • “On behalf of the Abortion Survivors Network and the tens of thousands of abortion survivors and their families, we applaud Senator Rubio and Rep. Ashley Hinson’s effort to provide robust support for women and families in support of life. The Abortion Survivors Network plays a vital role in healing abortion survivors and ending the cycle of trauma that continues even today.  We are proud to stand with Senator Rubio and Congresswoman Hinson in support of this legislation.” – Melissa Ohden, Founder and Executive Director, Abortion Survivor Network

Want more? Read Rubio’s op-ed previewing his plan in the Washington Times and his op-ed announcing the framework in the Washington Examiner.