Rubio Bill Would Make It Illegal For Protesters To Block Interstates

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Over the last several years, protesters have increasingly adopted the tactic of blocking interstate highways, risking the safety of commuters, first responders, and other travelers on our nation’s roadways. While some states have criminalized such acts, there is no federal law against doing so.
U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Kevin Cramer (R-ND) introduced the Safe Passage on Interstates Act to criminalize this dangerous and disruptive practice. 

  • “Antifa and other radical protesters who block highways disrupt law-abiding Americans from driving to work, school buses from getting kids to school, and ambulances from getting to the hospital. It’s ridiculous that there is no federal law against this type of stunt. We need to make sure people face criminal penalties for blocking interstate systems that we all rely on.” – Senator Rubio
  • “The Constitution is clear in granting Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce. The Safe Passage on Interstates Act reasserts Congress’ critical role by making intentional obstruction of interstates illegal.” – Senator Cramer

The Safe Passage on Interstates Act would apply to any intentional obstruction of traffic on an interstate highway, so long as it occurs without proper governmental authorization.