Rubio, Capito, Colleagues Introduce Comprehensive Regulatory And Permitting Reform Legislation

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

More than a month ago, President Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) promised to pass permitting reform once their $749 billion climate and tax bill was signed into law. Democrats have moved forward with their reckless tax-and-spending spree, but have yet to make progress on permitting reform legislation. 
U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), and 37 Republican colleagues introduced the Simplify Timelines and Assure Regulatory Transparency (START) Act, comprehensive federal regulatory permitting and project review reform legislation.

“Burdensome permitting regulations have delayed projects and postponed economic development for far too long. Democrats promised to deliver on permitting reform, and they need to work with Republicans to get it done. This bill lays out a framework for comprehensive reform that would provide relief and regulatory certainty to communities across the country with unfinished infrastructure projects, which will help reduce project costs and inflation, and will incentivize capital investment.” – Senator Rubio

  • “Since our calls for action and offers to see legislative text from the permitting ‘deal’ remain unheeded, Republicans are introducing this legislation today to deliver solutions to the roadblocks, delays, and postponements of key infrastructure projects across the country. The START Act would provide regulatory certainty to states, expedite permitting and review processes, codify substantive environmental regulatory reforms, and expedite permitting of the critically important Mountain Valley Pipeline. Republicans are unified in working to deliver needed permitting reform, and this legislation is a blueprint for how we can help communities benefit from being able to finally get critical projects across the finish line.” Senator Capito

Looking back… Rubio warned Democrat leaders would not honor their agreement to pass pipeline permitting reform. Rubio supported Senator Capito’s amendment to the reconciliation bill that would have enacted strong permitting reforms to burdensome regulations currently delaying key energy and infrastructure projects across the country. The amendment failed by a vote of 49-50, with all 50 Senate Democrats voting against it. 
Want more? Read the full text of the bill here and a section by section summary here.