Sen. Cramer Discusses Problematic EPA Provisions in Inflation Enhancement Act on Kudlow

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

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WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND), member of the Senate Budget Committee and Environment and Public Works Committee, joined Fox Business’ Kudlow to discuss problematic provisions related to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Democrats’ reckless tax and spending spree or Inflation Enhancement Act. Senator Cramer included warnings about the new authorities tucked into the bill text in addition to its $700 billion price tag and the inflationary impact it will have on all Americans. Excerpts and full video are below.


On Problematic EPA Provisions in the Inflation Enhancement Act:

“The way [former EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler] differentiated between authorities and appropriations is important Larry, but it is nonetheless an incremental step in establishing some sort of an argument, perhaps an argument that can be used in a court in the future that it is Congress’ intent to allow this shifting—even though there’s no clear authority in it, there’s an appropriation now for it. I intend to go after that $45 million for sure that relates to the West Virginia v. EPA case specific to Section 111 and other sections, but there’s a whole host of other appropriations that give the EPA weird authorities quite honestly. There’s a section on electricity generation. Here’s an $18 million expenditure and I’m going to read it word for word and I’ll emphasize a few key words.”


“‘$18 million dollars to carry out this section to ENSURE that reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from domestic electricity GENERATION and USE are achieved through the use of AUTHORITIES of this Act, including through the establishment of REQUIREMENTS under this Act incorporating the assessment.’”


“Larry, in other words, they want to give somebody $18 million, I guess the EPA, to regulate the generation of electricity and the use. What does use mean? Does that mean they want to require you to cut your showers shorter—at least the warm water? [Does that mean] they want to require you to use a certain light bulb to buy a new expensive appliance, to regulate the thermostat in your house? What are these requirements? We ought to be very concerned by this power grab as well as obviously the spending.”

On the Impact of the Inflation Enhancement Act on Americans: 

“When [Americans] see inflation go higher, when they see the price of the pump go higher, the price of food go higher, when they see that they’re going have to start rationing their food, when they’re going to start rationing their travels—which is already happening. When you see personal credit debt going up to $16-17 trillion as people max out their credit cards just to pay the bills, that’s going to have a negative effect on election day for Democrats.”


On the Rushed Timeline for the Inflation Enhancement Act:

“They may very well succeed at this. As you know, it comes down to [Senator] Kyrsten Sinema at this point. You and others are sounding the alarm. Guys like me and my 49 closest friends in United States Senate are sounding the alarm and we’re preparing a whole host of amendments that we’ll bring to the [Senate] floor and will force people like Joe Manchin, to correct course—if they’re willing. I’m telling you that my goal is to make it darn uncomfortable for Democrats to either vote for this package or not vote for some of the amendments that help clean some of this stuff.”


“The problem is between now and Election Day, we have to hold these people to account. That’s what we’re going to do when we have the vote-a-rama, when we offer amendments, when we force the debate, when we require Democrats to explain themselves on this stuff. But it’s also why Chuck Schumer did this so quickly. It’s why they want to get this done before the weekend is over because they don’t want Democrats to go home before they vote on this because they’re going to get an earful when they do.”