ICYMI: Rubio: U.S. Left Will Stoke Putin’s Famine

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

How the U.S. Left Helps Stoke Putin’s Famine
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
August 3, 2022
RealClear World

…[D]ue to the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the shock of Russia’s invasion, approximately 355 million people will face acute hunger by the end of the year. Countries dependent on food and fertilizer from the Black Sea region in Eastern Europe are the hardest hit. In the Horn of Africa, famine is already setting in….
Putin is betting that these crises, along with high energy prices, will force his European opponents to abandon the people of Ukraine…. Only Putin is directly responsible for the coming chaos, but we need to understand why he has the leverage to punish the rest of the world. 
Sadly, he has the leverage because it was willingly given to him by left-wing ideologues and free-trade fundamentalists. Over the past few decades, America could have produced more food, energy, and fertilizers. Instead, our leaders pursued burdensome climate regulations; stifled agricultural, mineral, and energy developments on public and private lands alike; and embraced supply chains rooted in our adversaries’ economies. 
And while we smothered ourselves in red tape and sent our industries overseas, Beijing and Moscow plotted to weaponize their newfound economic influence…. The signs that this might happen were right in front of us, but we refused to act on them. Now we are reaping the consequences….
America could still change course. If we strategically deregulate our economy now, we may be able to rapidly expand food and energy production. That could save lives around the world, meet the needs of our allies, and mitigate economic hardship here at home. 
But instead of cutting red tape, President Joe Biden wants to double down on the policies that got us here in the first place. Less energy. Less food. Less of everything essential. Meanwhile, the Democrats here in Congress want to pour more money that we don’t have into unreliable renewables….
That is why Congress must oppose calls for President Biden to declare a national emergency over climateand it’s why I will file a resolution of disapproval if he does so…. 
Climate fanaticism is never beneficial, but at a time like this, it will contribute to death and destruction abroad and economic disaster here at home. Those are outcomes we are duty-bound to avoid.

Read the rest here.