Rubio to Push Police Funding, Detention of Violent Criminals in Reconciliation Bill

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Even as crime surges, prosecutors in cities across the country continue to release violent criminals from custody. Whether those prosecutors are dropping charges or simply granting bail, America is an increasingly dangerous place.
To protect the health and safety of our communities and support our brave police officers, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) will submit an amendment to the Democrats’ $749 billion climate and tax bill to provide additional resources for local law enforcement and ensure violent criminals remain behind bars.

  • “Violent criminals should be in jail, not on our streets. Too many of our communities are victims of rich laptop liberals that shout woke slogans but never have to deal with the consequences of their actions. 


  • “All of my colleagues say they support the police and oppose violent crime. I am going to give them a chance to prove it.” — Senator Rubio 

Looking forward … Rubio will submit an amendment to the reconciliation bill to put the Democrats on record for opposing additional police funding and commonsense requirements to keep violent criminals behind bars.