English/ Español: Rubio, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Block Biden Administration From Using Federal Property for Abortion

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Roger Marshall (R-KS), Jim Risch (R-ID), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Roger Wicker (R-MS), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Thune (R-SD), and Josh Hawley (R-MO) introduced the Prohibiting Abortion on Federal Lands Act. The legislation would prohibit the Biden Administration, or any future pro-abortion administration, from using federal lands and facilities for abortions. Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Democrats and pro-abortion interests have been mounting pressure on President Biden to undermine pro-life states by opening up federal property to operate “abortion safe havens.” Rubio previously introduced the Prohibiting Federal Emergencies for Abortion Act to block the administration from declaring a public health emergency to protect abortion access. 
“Democrats will stop at nothing to preserve the practice of murdering unborn Americans,” Rubio said. “I will do everything I can to protect life and block President Biden from grossly abusing his presidential power.”
“The Biden administration will stop at nothing to force their radical abortion agenda nationwide,” Risch said. “Attempting to bypass states that have made the commitment to treat every human life with respect and dignity is shameless and unacceptable, and we must ensure this option is not on the table. States must be free to stand up for the unborn.”
“The point of the Dobbs decision is to allow states to set policies regarding ending a pregnancy,” Hyde-Smith said. “The pro-abortion forces are in a desperate scramble to ensure abortion on demand until birth.  The plan to use federal lands and property for abortions is just one effort to circumvent the Supreme Court decision and the spirit of the Hyde Amendment.  As such, Senator Rubio’s bill to stop the federal government from promoting abortions using federal holdings has my full support.”
“I don’t think many South Dakotans would be interested in seeing abortion facilities being added to the Badlands or other national parks in the state, which is why I support this legislation that would prevent abortion providers from operating on federal lands or in federal facilities,” Thune said.  
“The Biden administration is ignoring the Supreme Court and ignoring the will of the people,” Hawley said. “Americans don’t want their national parks turned into abortion clinics.”  
The Prohibiting Abortion on Federal Lands Act would:  

  • Prohibit the federal government from promoting, supporting, or contracting with abortion entities, or otherwise expanding access to abortion on federal lands or facilities including but not limited to military installations, national parks, court houses, federal buildings, etc.  

Washington, DC — Los senadores estadounidenses Marco Rubio (R-FL), Roger Marshall (R-KS) ), Jim Risch (R-ID), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Roger Wicker (R-MS), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Thune (R-SD) y Josh Hawley (R- MO) presentaron la Ley de Prohibición del Aborto en Tierras Federales. Este proyecto de ley le prohibiría a la Administración Biden, o a cualquier administración futura que sea pro-aborto, el usar tierras e instalaciones del gobierno federal para que se ejecuten abortos. Desde la anulación de Roe v. Wade, los demócratas y los intereses a pro-aborto han aumentado la presión sobre el presidente Biden para socavar a los estados pro-vida al abrir propiedad federal para operar “refugios seguros para el aborto”. Rubio anteriormente presento una legislación para impedir que la Administración Biden declarara una emergencia de salud pública para proteger el acceso al aborto. 
“Los demócratas no se detendrán ante nada para preservar la práctica de asesinar a bebés estadounidenses no nacidos”, Rubio dijo. “Haré todo lo que pueda para proteger la vida y evitar que el presidente Biden abuse gravemente de su poder presidencial”. 
La Ley de Prohibición del Aborto en Tierras Federales :  

  • Prohibe que el gobierno federal promueva, apoye o contrate a entidades dedicadas al aborto, o que amplíe el acceso al aborto en tierras o instalaciones del gobierno federal. Incluyendo entre otras, instalaciones militares, parques nacionales, juzgados, edificios federales, etc.