ICYMI: Rubio: Expand Care for Mothers and Their Babies

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Abortion ruling is opportunity to expand pro-life protections for mother and child
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
July 8, 2022
Fox News

“It was just like the loss of a loved one,” said a doctor from Texas. “It was this absolute, horrendous dread,” sobbed another from Louisiana. These are not physicians lamenting the loss of a patient. They are abortion providers bursting into tears over the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, as recorded in a recent New York Times interview.
Apart from inflated melodrama, the interview’s dominant theme is a feeling of helplessness on the part of abortionists. “I wanted to help…but I know I can’t!” cried an Arizona receptionist…. [I]t’s…utterly ridiculous to suggest there’s nothing people can do to help mothers other than abort their unborn babies.
Unplanned pregnancies are challenging to say the least…. But there are plenty of ways to walk alongside pregnant women that don’t involve the taking of innocent life. For one, virtually every city in the U.S. has a crisis pregnancy center, operated by well-trained volunteers willing to provide counseling, coaching, medical care, and logistical support—every step of the way, free of charge.
In addition, there are between one and two million couples across the country waiting to adopt. Mothers always have the ability to put up their children for adoption when they are born…. Listening to the Times interview, you wouldn’t think that was possible….
We must continue to expose the abortion industry’s hypocrisy and lies. But that’s not all we must do. Conservatives also have a duty to enact greater protections for new and expectant mothers and their babies—because being pro-life means more than opposing abortion.
My Providing for Life Act would do just that, by enlarging the child tax credit, strengthening child support enforcement, creating a national clearinghouse for maternal resources, making adoption more affordable, providing for parental leave, and more. It’s a common-sense, pro-family plan for a post-Roe America.
Today, even in blue states, women with unplanned pregnancies are feeling lost and confused…. We have an opportunity to meet those women where they are with compassion and grace and remind them that they have options other than abortion. And we have an obligation to expand those options even further—to ensure America is safe for both mothers and their babies.

Read the rest here.