News 06/30/2022 Blackburn Backs National Guard Members Set To Be Fired Over COVID Vaccine Refusal In New Legislation

Source: United States Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn)

NASHVILLE, TENN. – U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) will introduce new legislation to prohibit federal funds from being utilized to implement any requirement that a member of the National Guard receive a vaccination against COVID-19.

This legislation comes as up to 40,000 U.S. Army National Guard members are set to be fired on Thursday, June 30 for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine unless President Biden reverses course.

“Our servicemembers are the bedrock of America,” said Senator Blackburn. “Firing 40,000 Guardsmen for refusing the COVID vaccine would be both a complete disgrace and a threat to our national security. I am honored to stand beside our National Guardsmen and women by introducing this legislation to protect them from President Biden’s forever pandemic.”


Find the text of the bill here.



  • This legislation:
    • Prohibits any federal funds from being utilized to implement the COVID vaccine requirement;
    • Prohibits the Secretary of Defense from taking any adverse action against Guard members for refusing the vaccine, including retaliation, punishment, or disparate treatment;
    • Does not impinge on the authority or rights of state governors in their role as commanders of their National Guards but protects servicemembers from unilateral federal mandates; and
    • Does not limit the ability of a commander to consult with a superior in the chain of command, an inspector general, or a judge advocate general on the disposition of a complaint regarding a member of the National Guard for a matter unrelated to COVID vaccine refusal.