ICYMI: Rubio Calls Out Biden for Legitimizing Venezuela’s Narco-Regime

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Biden is empowering the Maduro regime and enabling other countries to do the same.
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
May 20, 2022
Miami Herald

…In March, President Biden sent a secret delegation to Caracas, offering to lift U.S. sanctions if [narco-dictator] Maduro would return to negotiations with the Venezuelan opposition…. The expedition caused serious damage to [rightful Interim President] Guaidó’s international standing, divided and weakened the opposition, and awarded Maduro a massive PR boost.
Close allies like Colombia were stunned by President Biden’s naivete and miscalculation…. Meanwhile, other leaders have taken President Biden’s engagement with Maduro as a cue to reestablish ties with Caracas…. Approximately 34 states from around the world have since resumed diplomatic relations with the Maduro regime.
And now, the Biden Administration is about to make things worse by opening the door to Venezuela’s oil industry and lifting sanctions on Maduro’s nephew-in-law, Carlos Erik Malpica-Flores. This decision…happened because President Biden is surrounded by Obama-era regime apologists and Marxist sympathizers…. [T]he oil trade is just a convenient excuse for reestablishing ties with an authoritarian. 
There’s nothing to be gained from Venezuelan oil. Corruption and incompetence have driven Venezuela’s energy industry into the ground…. If we want to increase our energy supplies, the logical thing to do is enable American oil and natural gas production, not look for help from an illegitimate thug….
Rather than listen to the Far Left and make further concessions to dictators, [President Biden] must publicly reaffirm our nation’s support of Interim President Guaidó and continue to insist on free and fair elections and the immediate release of all political prisoners in Venezuela….

In the meantime, Congress must act to do what President Biden will not. I call on my colleagues to pass my Preempting Misguided Appeasement and Financing of Destabilizing Regimes Act to prevent the U.S. from buying Venezuelan oil and empowering authoritarianism in our own hemisphere.

Read the rest here.