Rubio, Colleagues Applauds Adoption Of Resolution Marking National Police Week

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), and Dick Durbin (D-IL) applauded the Senate passage of a resolution commemorating May 15 through 22, 2022 as National Police Week. The resolution honors the 576 law enforcement officers who were killed in the line of duty in 2021, along with 92 officers lost to date in 2022. This includes 62 Floridians. The resolution extends unwavering support for men and women in law enforcement across the United States. 
Click here for a full list of original cosponsors.  
Click here for the full text of the resolution.
Whereas Federal, State, local, and Tribal police officers, sheriffs, and other law enforcement officers across the United States serve with valor, dignity, and integrity;
Whereas law enforcement officers are charged with—
(1) pursuing justice for all individuals; and
(2) performing the duties of a law enforcement officer with fidelity to the constitutional and civil rights of the public the officers serve;
Whereas law enforcement officers swear an oath to uphold the public trust even though, through the performance of the duties of a law enforcement officer, the officers may become targets for senseless acts of violence;
Whereas law enforcement officers have bravely continued to meet the call of duty to ensure the security of their neighborhoods and communities at the risk of their own personal safety in the time of a viral pandemic;
Whereas the resolve to service is clearly demonstrated by law enforcement officers across the country who have tragically fallen ill or passed away due to complications of COVID–19 contracted in the line of duty;
Whereas, in 1962, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy signed Public Law 87–726 (referred to in this preamble as the ‘‘Joint Resolution’’), which authorizes the President to proclaim May 15 of every year as ‘‘Peace Officers Memorial Day’’ in honor of the Federal, State, and local officers who have been killed, disabled, or otherwise injured in the line of duty;
Whereas the Joint Resolution also authorizes the President to designate the week in which Peace Officers Memorial Day falls as ‘‘National Police Week’’; 
Whereas the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, dedicated on October 15, 1991, is the national monument to honor those law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty;
Whereas, according to the Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted Program of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (also known as the ‘‘LEOKA Program’’), since the beginning of 2022, 92 law enforcement officers were reported to have been killed in the line of duty: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Senate—
(1) designates the week of May 15 through May 21, 2022, as ‘‘National Police Week’’;
(2) expresses unwavering support for law enforcement officers across the United States in the pursuit of preserving safe and secure communities;
(3) recognizes the need to ensure that law enforcement officers have the equipment, training, and resources that are necessary in order to protect the health and safety of the officers while the officers protect the public;
(4) recognizes the law enforcement community for continual unseen acts of sacrifice and heroism, especially in the midst of the COVID–19 pandemic crisis faced by the United States;
(5) acknowledges that police officers and other law enforcement personnel, especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, should be remembered and honored;
(6) expresses condolences and solemn appreciation to the loved ones of each law enforcement officer who has made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty; and
(7) encourages the people of the United States to observe National Police Week by honoring law enforcement personnel and promoting awareness of the essential mission that law enforcement personnel undertake in service to their communities and the United States.