ICYMI: Rubio: Republican-voting Hispanics are Not Victims of “Disinformation”

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Republican-voting Hispanics are Not Victims of “Disinformation” — They Just Have Common Sense
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
May 9, 2022
El American

…There is a major shift happening in our country right now. Between 2016 and 2020, Hispanics’ support for Donald Trump increased by eight points. Now, Hispanics are evenly divided in their support for Democrats and Republicans. In some parts of South Florida, Republicans actually have an advantage.

The driving force behind this shift is obvious: liberals are embracing the same radical ideas and tactics that pushed many Hispanics to flee their homelands…. Today’s Democrats demand people talk, act, and believe the same nonsense they do about schools, immigration, gender, and more. It disturbs most Americans, but especially those who fled Marxist regimes with eerie similarities to the modern Left.

However, liberal activists refuse to accept the obvious explanation of the facts — nor do they accept the actual testimony of Hispanic Republicans. Instead, they claim voters are the victims of “disinformation.” It’s a twisted lesson in how identity politics enables racism….

There’s more cause for concern here, though. Fearful of Hispanics’ shift to the Right, liberal activists are calling for the federal government to take action against conservative radio shows in my home state…. President Biden, meanwhile, just appointed someone who “shudders at the thought of…free speech absolutists” to lead his new “Disinformation Governance Board”….

All Americans, regardless of their ethnicity, should stand firm against this push for political censorship — and remind the woke ideologues that we are more than the color of our skin and a last name that ends in a vowel.

Read the rest here.