Sen. Cramer Meets with Supreme Court Nominee Judge Jackson, Discusses Cooperative Federalism

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

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WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) issued the following video statement after meeting with D.C. Circuit Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, President Biden’s nominee to serve as Associate Justice to the United States Supreme Court:

“First of all, she was generous with her time. It was great to meet her. I congratulate her.

“We drilled down on the topic that matters most to me when it comes to appellate courts – particularly the DC Circuit Court, which she sits on and of course, the Supreme Court  – because many of the cases of consequence have to do with the states’ rights versus the federal overreach. Waters of the U.S. is currently in front of the Supreme Court, the Clean Air Act and Clean Power Plan are currently in front of the Supreme Court, and Delaware River vs. FERC is currently in front of the Supreme Court – a case that she actually ruled on in the DC Circuit. All of them deal with the federal government reaching into states’ rights without the authority to do it. I wanted to get her opinion on federalism in general, and then more specifically, whether she believes the Courts have the authority or even ought to exercise adding power to the federal government where the power isn’t enumerated in either the Constitution or the laws being heard.

“We had a very cordial discussion. It was quite an intellectual discussion. She is obviously very bright, she’s very pleasant, she’s more than intellectually, academically, and experientially qualified. I just worry that her judicial philosophy is far to the left of anyone else on the court. I’m going to study my notes from my meeting with her and her cases. So, we’ll see. I didn’t expect her to be a conservative.”

In exercising his constitutional duty as a Senator to review the president’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Senator Cramer took the time to discuss her views and record on limited government, cooperative federalism, and state and private property rights. 

Photos and b-roll is also available here.


On February 25, Senator Cramer issued the following statement in response to her nomination: 

“Congratulations to Judge Jackson on her nomination. President Biden fulfilled his duty to nominate a candidate, now it is the Senate’s duty to fulfill its obligation of advice and consent. I look forward to meeting with her and having a hearty, open dialogue about her qualifications, adherence to the Constitution, and the principles of limited government and cooperative federalism just as I did during Justice Barrett’s nomination process. North Dakotans expect a thorough review of her record and I plan to do just that.”