Sasse: Ukraine Needs Weapons, Not Washington’s Drunken Spending Mess

Source: United States Senator for Nebraska Ben Sasse

U.S. Senator Ben Sasse, a member of the Senate Finance and Budget Committees, issued the following statement after voting against another one of Washington’s budget-busting bills — this one weighing in at $1.5 trillion. 

“Let’s be clear about this: Ukraine needs weapons, not Washington’s drunken spending mess. Less than one percent of this $1.5 trillion spending bill goes towards America’s national security mission to arm Ukrainians in their fight against a Putin on the march. I urged President Biden two weeks ago to ask Congress for a supplemental defense bill to get weapons and ammo to Ukrainian freedom fighters, but Congress turned this into another spending disaster. Bouncing from one shutdown to the next is no way to run a country, but both parties are more than happy to do it. We should pass a stand-alone bill for Ukrainian aid and do the hard work of passing a real budget.”