Hoeven Introduces American Energy Independence from Russia Act in the Senate

Source: United States Senator for North Dakota John Hoeven


Bicameral Effort Promotes American Energy Dominance to Offset Russian Imports

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, today led his Senate colleagues in introducing the American Energy Independence from Russia Act. This bicameral legislation takes immediate action to encourage increased U.S. production, including:

  • Authorizes the construction and operation of the Keystone XL pipeline.
  • Removes regulatory hurdles to increase liquefied natural gas exports.
  • Prohibits any presidential moratoria on new energy leases.
  • Requires the U.S. Department of the Interior to hold a minimum of 4 oil and natural gas lease sales in each state with land available for leasing in fiscal year 2022.
  • Prohibits the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy from drawdowns of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) until the Secretary of the Interior issues a plan to increase oil and gas production on federal lands and waters.

At the same time, the legislation requires the Biden administration to submit a plan to Congress within 30 days that provides an energy security evaluation and risk assessment, along with a plan to leverage America’s abundant oil and gas resources to offset imports from Russia. 

“Over the past year, the Biden administration has locked away our nation’s energy reserves and impounded American energy independence, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine reveals the true consequences of separating energy policy from national security policy,” said Senator Hoeven. “Our legislation is about harnessing America’s abundant energy resources to offset imports and revenue flowing to Russia, and taking immediate steps to encourage and empower domestic energy production. I appreciate my colleagues in the Senate and House who support these efforts and will continue pressing the administration for increased American energy production.”

“North Dakota’s excellence is a road map for American energy independence. We can unleash energy dominance by bringing American energy production back online. This is geopolitical leverage to counter Putin and other adversaries. We not only produce it better, but we have much higher labor and environmental standards. This is good policy for North Dakota and our nation,” said Senator Cramer. 

“Sen. Hoeven’s American Energy Independence from Russia Act is a commonsense bill and I am glad to be a cosponsor,” said Senator Inhofe. “President Biden needs to provide an energy security plan that brings assurance and security to American energy producers so that we can sustain our energy independence. Instead, the consequences of the president’s terrible, far-left record on energy are being felt by every Oklahoman with gas and heating bills continuing to significantly rise. With this legislation, we would see immediate action to relieve this pressure on energy prices by approving the Keystone XL pipeline, cutting unnecessary regulations to unleash new liquefied natural gas exports, ending the unjustifiable moratorium on new oil and gas leases on federal land and more. This bill holds the Biden administration accountable and makes clear that America should return to policies that promote our energy independence.” 

“The US must stop buying Russian oil that fuels Putin’s ability to murder his neighbors,” said Senator Lankford. “It is time that America reestablish its position as a leader on domestic energy production, support pipeline projects that would unlock Canada’s energy resources, and isolate Russia’s economy. We need to do whatever it takes to be very, very clear to Russia that the rest of the world will not put up with this aggression. Restarting American energy independence will send a clear message to Russia. Liquor stores have stopped buying Russian vodka, but President Biden has not stopped buying Russian oil. The people of Ukraine will know that we stand with them when we stop sending money to Russia.”

“Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine should convince democracies across the West to rid ourselves of our dependence on Russian oil,” said Senator Cornyn. “This bill would take a number of important steps to ensure America’s energy independence from Russia by taking full advantage of petroleum-rich states like Texas.”

“We must unleash the American energy industry, and the American Energy Independence from Russia Act is a great place to start. By requiring the Biden administration to provide a plan to return our country to energy dominance, we can power our nation and the world. Wyoming is ready to help lead the charge,” said Senator Lummis. 

“Democrats must end their war on fossil fuels. We were energy independent. Now, the Biden Administration has us importing oil from Russia, a country run by a murderous kleptocrat and war criminal, with no respect for democracy. America must reclaim its energy independence, and this bill gets us one step closer to doing just that,” said Senator Johnson.

Along with Hoeven, this legislation is cosponsored by Senators Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Jim Risch (R-Idaho) and Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), and was introduced in the House of Representatives by House Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) and House Committee on Natural Resources Ranking Member Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.). 

Click here for the full text of the bill. 

