Shaheen Statement on President Biden’s State of the Union Address

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen

March 01, 2022

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement in response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address:  

“When President Biden was sworn in last year, he inherited a global health crisis, a struggling economy and national security challenges exacerbated by the previous administration’s strained relationship with our allies. Yet over the last year, President Biden rebuilt our economy, re-established the United States’ role as a global leader and reaffirmed our transatlantic bonds that have preserved our world order for 70 years. And it’s not just what he did; it’s how he did it. President Biden’s determination to end the vitriolic partisanship and discord that our nation knew for four years put the United States back on track. Tonight, his message of unity and fortitude to the American people reflects his actions of the last year and comes at a time when our nation – and world – needs it the most,” said Shaheen

Shaheen continued, “I was honored to recognize Dr. Juliann Barrett, President of the Medical Staff and Director of Out Patient Practices at Valley Regional Hospital, as my virtual guest for President Biden’s address to Congress. President Biden’s message to our health care community this evening spoke to Granite Staters like Dr. Barrett and all of our frontline heroes who have been battling the pandemic for two years, risking their own health to save lives. Our work to put COVID-19 in the rearview mirror is largely due to the President’s leadership to deliver the American Rescue Plan through Congress and infuse our economy with the means necessary to not only get through the pandemic, but to begin our recovery. After delivering the American Rescue Plan, the President kept his promise to bridge the partisan divide and bring Democrats and Republicans together to address a longstanding and historically bipartisan priority: infrastructure. Together, we wrote the bipartisan infrastructure bill which is now the law of the land. Broadband, clean water and safe roads, rails and bridges are becoming a reality in communities that have too often been left behind. And it is that bipartisan spirit that the President has called upon for our nation’s united response to the most pressing national security challenge we have faced in decades.” 

Shaheen concluded, “As Ukraine fights for its freedom, the United States is standing by its democratic partner by working with our transatlantic allies in a coordinated and robust response to Putin’s unprovoked, premeditated war. Because of the President’s leadership, the global community has brought to bear the punitive repercussions against Putin that we promised and has rallied around the Ukrainian people in their time of need. But as the President made clear tonight, our work is far from over. From reducing skyrocketing prescription drug costs to addressing inflation, tackling the mental health crisis, combating the substance use disorder epidemic and boosting our domestic supply chain, we must build on the progress of the last year, together, to meet the remaining challenges we face today.”