ICYMI: Murkowski Addresses Alaska State Legislature

Source: United States Senator for Alaska Lisa Murkowski


U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) recently addressed the Alaska State Legislature in a joint legislative session at the State Capitol Building. Senator Murkowski spoke to her optimism for Alaska’s future, in part to the actions she and her colleagues have taken in Congress. This includes major relief bills to provide unprecedented federal support to help Alaskans during the COVID-19 pandemic; an historic infrastructure law which will bring significant benefits to our state; diversifying and boosting our economy; advancing responsible resource development; and supporting our military, industries like our fisheries, and public safety.

Murkowski also spoke to the current situation in Ukraine and how Russia is threatening not just Ukraine, but the international order and the norms that have prevailed for decades.


Click here for video of Senator Murkowski’s speech.

Click here for text of Murkowski’s speech.



Infrastructure Law

  • “Over the next five years, it will bring sustained benefits to both rural and urban communities across Alaska. As we gain those benefits, we will create jobs. We will restore and grow our economy. We will improve Alaskans’ quality of life. And we’ll leave a healthier, more resilient, better developed and still beautiful state for our children.”   
  • “Our infrastructure bill only became law a few months ago, but it is already delivering real results. More than $600 million has already been announced for our state, from the Port of Nome to the Denali Park Road, and there is a lot more to come.”
  • “I’m hosting an infrastructure grants symposium in Anchorage on Monday, April 11. It will be open and free to any Alaskan who is interested in visiting with agency officials to see what they have available.”

Restoring Tourism Industry

  • “In Southeast, and all around the state, we know how hard the tourism-based economy has been hit. That’s why it was so important that we secured a waiver from the Passenger Vessel Services Act last summer, allowing the first cruise ships to return to our ports since 2019.”
  • “I’ve introduced legislation to make that waiver permanent, because the strength of our economy should never depend on decisions made in another country.”
  • “My message to those who are thinking about visiting is simple: the cruise industry is taking every precaution to ensure a safe trip, and Alaska is ready to host you for the trip of your lifetime.” 


  • “Alaska remains the ‘most strategic place in the world.’  Military commanders know that value, and we need to work with them to fulfill it.”
  • “We’ve directed each military service to release an Arctic strategy. And we established the Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies in Anchorage to further the Department of Defense’s focus on security cooperation in the High North.”
  • “These advances – along with the radar expansion at Clear, and the addition of new missiles for defense at Fort Greely – will bring new service members to our state, along with many opportunities for civilian and support jobs.” 

Energy and Natural Resources 

  • “Between my Energy Act of 2020 and the Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act, we authorized and allocated more than $70 billion to new technologies and a global phase-down of the use of ultra-warming hydrofluorocarbons will avoid up to half a degree of projected warming.”
  • “When it comes to resource development—a core promise made to us at statehood—we have had a few notable wins in the midst of our uphill battles.
  • “I added a provision to the infrastructure bill to modernize the $18 billion loan guarantee for the Alaska gasline, making the current project eligible for it.
  • “I opened the Department of Energy’s loan guarantee program to states, so that Alaska can bundle good projects, like the Makushin geothermal project and Angoon’s Thayer Creek hydro project, and secure the capital to construct them.”
  • “The entirety of my American Mineral Security Act is now law, including its permitting reforms, along with funding to reduce our foreign mineral dependence.”
  • “The AMHT land exchange is now effectively complete, allowing the harvest of 201 million board feet of Tongass timber to move forward. GMT-2 is on track to add 30,000 barrels to TAPS each day. Hilcorp is investing and reviving production in Prudhoe Bay. And I truly believe the Willow project will be approved this year.” 

Public Safety

  • “Last summer, victim service providers around the state nearly shut down until we directed new resources to the Crime Victims Fund to keep their doors open.”
  • “I’m working w/ my colleagues to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act. It includes my provisions to address teen dating violence named for Breanna Moore, who was murdered by her boyfriend in 2014; expand victims’ access to medical forensic exams; and improve access to care for all victims of violence.”


  • “We must protect our fisheries for generations to come. We expect another incredible return in Bristol Bay, but we know we’ll need workers. We’ve secured funding for the Pacific Salmon Treaty and fisheries surveys.”
  • “The recent fisheries disaster declarations bring welcome relief, albeit too late, but still coming. This also includes the extra visas the administration is making available for seasonal workers.”
  • “The United States should halt all seafood imports from Russia until they lift their ban on ours. It’s reciprocity. Senator Dan Sullivan and I have legislation to impose a reciprocal embargo on Russian imports. We’re pushing for it to move on a standalone basis and as part of any Russia sanctions package.”