News 02/28/2022 ICYMI ON FOX: Senator Blackburn Announces Resolution To Remove Russia From SWIFT Banking System

Source: United States Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) announced a new resolution that would surpass recent partial measures and fully remove all Russian banks from the SWIFT Banking System. On Fox News, she also detailed her conversation with freedom fighter and former Ukrainian infrastructure minister Volodymyr Omelyan.


Watch the full interview here.


Removing Russia From SWIFT Tests How Far The New “Axis Of Evil” Will Go To Prop Up Putin


“We’re working on a resolution that would support removing Russia from the SWIFT Banking System. This is what really allows for easy transfers of financial transactions across borders, and this resolution is something that we need to do. Not only will it make it difficult for Russia to be able to support their troops financially and carry forward with their economy but it will also give us an indication of how much China is prepared to support Russia in this endeavor…We know that Xi who heads the Chinese Communist Party has recently met with Putin, and this will give us an indication of how closely tied these two are. I really look at Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea as the New Axis of Evil.”


Ukrainians Like Volodymyr Omelyan Are Taking Up Arms To Fight Russia


“You are seeing wide support coming from Democrats and Republicans for the Ukrainian people. I talked earlier today with a former infrastructure minister in Ukraine, and he had made certain his family was safe and he had taken up arms to fight the Russians. The resolve of freedom fighters that we are seeing by the Ukrainian people is really inspirational, and I think today we all stand with them and we’re all searching for the best ways to support them and to help them to achieve their victory.”


We Must Support Ukrainian Freedom Fighters In Their Battle Against Putin’s Oppressive Regime

“Volodymyr Omelyan talked about the resolve and how they have formed this army of civilians which are protecting Kiev. He is there, he has his ammo, and he has his guns. They are ready to stop the Russians as they try to come into Kiev. I think the resolve that you’re seeing from the Ukrainians in the Ukrainian army, the expertise from the army, being able to take down a Russian transport plane, these are inspirational moments of how desperately people want freedom and the lengths to which they will go to fight this oppression, communism, and socialism and Marxist theologies that they had to live under for so long.”