Senator Coons on Developments in Ukraine

Source: United States Senator for Delaware Christopher Coons

“The time for taking action to impose significant costs on President Putin and the Kremlin starts now.  By recognizing two fake ‘People’s Republics’ of Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukrainian territory that his own military actions have carved out of eastern Ukraine since 2014, and then ordering in Russian troops as alleged “peacekeepers,” Putin has rejected the Minsk agreement and clearly violated Ukrainian sovereignty and international law. Instead of choosing the path of diplomatic engagement offered by the United States and Europe, President Putin in a rambling, grievance-fueled speech today has made clear he intends to further invade Ukraine in a blatant effort to redraw the borders of Eastern Europe according to the whims of Moscow.

“President Biden has ably led months of preparation for this moment with our allies in NATO and Europe, and I’m encouraged by clear condemnations of Putin’s actions as well as statements of unity from our partners and allies. We must swiftly join our NATO allies and partners in the European Union to impose forceful new sanctions on Russia, on all those responsible for this dangerous violation of international law, and to provide emergency support for Ukraine.

“At the Munich Security Conference this past weekend, and in visiting NATO allies this week, I heard a united commitment to deter Putin’s further aggression. I joined a statement by 20 of my Senate colleagues pledging to “work toward whatever emergency supplemental legislation will best support our NATO allies and the people of Ukraine, and support freedom and safety around the world…[and] assure that the dictator Putin and his corrupt oligarchs pay a devastating price for their decisions.”

“I look forward to working closely this week with the administration and my colleagues to make these actions real.”
