Lankford Wants to Defund Vaccine Mandates

Source: United States Senator for Oklahoma James Lankford


WASHINGTON, DC  Senator James Lankford (R-OK), along with Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) and their colleagues, sent a letter to notify senators that they will not grant consent to expedite passage of a Continuing Resolution to fund the government without a roll call vote on an amendment to defund the enforcement of the Biden vaccine mandates. Lankford received support for sending the letter from Americans for Limited Government, which can be viewed HERE.

Lankford has taken steps to stop or block every part of Biden’s vaccine mandates.

The senators wrote in their letter, “We have consistently opposed President Biden’s federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates, which would force millions of Americans to choose between an unwanted medical procedure and being able to provide for their families. For legal, constitutional, and policy reasons, we remain not only strongly opposed to the mandates, but also firmly convinced that the risk of inaction on our part is unacceptably high.”

The senators continued, “These COVID-19 vaccine mandates amount to a serious abuse of both federal power and executive authority. They also further strain the economic and social pressures our society currently faces, while completely ignoring existing evidence-based data on natural immunity from previous COVID- 19 infection.”

Joining Lankford and Lee in their letter were Senators Roger Marshall (R-KS), Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), Mike Braun (R-IN), Rand Paul (R-KY), Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Jim Risch (R-ID).

Of the additional members joining the effort, Lee said, “I’m excited to have additional Senators join the letter on defunding the vaccine mandates. We had to get the first letter out quickly, but as more Senators have seen it, more want to join this vital fight for liberty. I am honored to be joined in this effort by Senators Lankford and Risch.”

For full text of the letter, click HERE.

Dear Colleague,

We have consistently opposed President Biden’s federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates, which would force millions of Americans to choose between an unwanted medical procedure and being able to provide for their families. For legal, constitutional, and policy reasons, we remain not only strongly opposed to the mandates, but also firmly convinced that the risk of inaction on our part is unacceptably high.

As you are likely aware, the OSHA mandate was rescinded shortly after the Supreme Court blocked its enforcement. This is no small victory. Millions of Americans are now free from this unwarranted federal invasion into healthcare decisions, but for how long? In addition to the lingering, harmful uncertainty faced by those subject to the four remaining COVID-19 mandates—specifically, those imposing vaccine requirements on medical workers, military personnel, federal employees, and federal contractors—the American people as a whole still face uncertainty as to whether President Biden has abandoned his desire to impose similar requirements on them.

We will continue to stand against these mandates until they are discontinued in ambition, design, and practice. For that reason, we are writing to let you know that we will not consent to a time agreement that eases passage of the Continuing Resolution (“CR”) now before the Senate absent an agreement to allow for a roll call vote on an amendment that defunds the enforcement of these vaccine mandates for the spending period covered by the CR. These COVID-19 vaccine mandates amount to a serious abuse of both federal power and executive authority. They also further strain the economic and social pressures our society currently faces, while completely ignoring existing evidence-based data on natural immunity from previous COVID19 infection. Further, evidence-based research has conclusively shown that vaccination does not stop the spread of COVID-19. In any event, President Biden has no business forcing people to make a tragic choice between unemployment and an unwanted vaccination.

Frederick Douglass correctly observed that “the limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” As Members of Congress, we must not abdicate our Article I duties in hopes that the judicial branch will rule in favor of the American people, or that if left unaddressed by legislative action the problem before us will somehow dissipate. History will bear record of whether we chose to endure tyranny, or oppose it, in this pivotal moment. We invite you to stand with us and oppose the CR until it explicitly defunds the implementation and enforcement of these mandates. At a minimum, we need to take a vote on this before funding their enforcement. The livelihoods and personal freedoms of millions of Americans are at stake.

