Cassidy, Rubio, Rounds Introduce Bill to Expedite Natural Gas Exports to U.S. Partners

Source: United States Senator for Louisiana Bill Cassidy


WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA), Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Mike Rounds (R-SD) today introduced the Expediting Natural Gas Exports to Allies Act to expedite approval for natural gas exports to supply allies and U.S international partners in response to tensions with Russia and China. Under the Natural Gas Act, approval for natural gas exports can take up to several years. The bill would expedite approval for Free Trade Agreement (FTA) nations who are being affected by the current energy crisis. 

“Exporting U.S. natural gas strengthens our allies, benefits our economy, and creates good paying jobs right here in Louisiana,” said Dr. Cassidy. “Not to mention, American natural gas is cleaner burning and produced with less emissions than in Russia.”

“Too many of our allies have allowed themselves to become dangerously dependent on Russian natural gas,” said Senator Rubio. “Expediting the approval of U.S. natural gas exports to allies and strategic partners is a common-sense step to reduce our allies’ economic reliance on strategic adversaries while creating more jobs for Americans at home.” 

“Our allies in Europe and around the world must not be dependent upon Russia to meet their energy needs,” said Senator Rounds. “This legislation would expedite the approval of natural gas exports to our allies and strategic partners and protect them from Putin’s blackmail. Our nation’s abundant natural resources are a powerful tool on the world stage. I look forward to working with Senator Rubio to advance this legislation and other solutions intended to bolster job creation in the U.S. energy sector and advance our national security interests.”
