News 01/20/2022 Blackburn, Hartzler, Smith, Colleagues Request GAO Report On Federal Funding For Abortion Advocacy Groups

Source: United States Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) along with Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) and Congressman Chris Smith (R-N.J.) led 142 Congressional members in requesting the Government Accountability Office (GAO) produce a report detailing the federal funding for Federally Qualified Health Centers, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, International Planned Parenthood Federation, MSI Reproductive Choices, and four domestic abortion providers covering fiscal years 2019 – 2021.

In the letter, the Members state:
“Proper oversight of public funds and programs is crucial for determining the value of the goods and services provided to and funded by American taxpayers. The information sought in this inquiry is instrumental for policymakers and the public alike. It is our hope that this report will provide greater insight as Congress considers funding levels and provides increased transparency and openness for our constituencies and the general public.”

A previous GAO report for FY2016-FY2018 found that nearly $2 billion in taxpayer dollars went to three abortion advocacy groups: Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), Marie Stopes International (MSI), and International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). Current federal law prohibits federal funding of abortions but has no limitation on funding abortion providers.

In the Senate, the letter was also signed by Senators McConnell, Cassidy, Barrasso, Sasse, Hoeven, Rick Scott, Capito, Moran, Inhofe, Portman, Ernst, Thune, Wicker, Young, Hawley, Boozman, Blunt, Daines, Marshall, Fischer, Braun, Risch, Tim Scott, Rubio, Tillis, Crapo, Hyde Smith, and Lankford.

In the House, the letter was also signed by Representatives Aderholt, Allen, Arrington, Babin, Bacon, Baird, Balderson, Banks, Bentz, Biggs, Bilirakis, D. Bishop, Boebert, Bost, Bucshon, Budd, Burgess, Cammack, B. Carter, Chabot, Cline, Cloud, Clyde, Crawford, Crenshaw, R. Davis, Duncan, Ellzey, Emmer, Estes, Feenstra, Fischbach, Fitzgerald, Fleischmann, Fortenberry, Foxx, S. Franklin, Fulcher, Gohmert, Good, Graves, Griffith, Grothman, Guest, Guthrie, Harshbarger, Harris, Hice, Hudson, Huizenga, Issa, R. Jackson, C. Jacobs, B. Johnson, D. Johnson, M. Johnson, Jordan, Joyce, Keller, M. Kelly, T. Kelly, Kim, Kustoff, LaHood, LaMalfa, Lamborn, Latta, LaTurner, Lesko, Letlow, Luetkemeyer, Mace, Massie, Mast, McCarthy, McClain, McHenry, McKinley, C. Miller, M. Miller, Miller-Meeks, Moolenaar, Mooney, Barry Moore, Blake Moore, Mullin, Norman, Palazzo, Palmer, Perry, Reschenthaler, T. Rice, M. Rogers, Rose, Rosendale, Roy, Rutherford, Scalise, A. Scott, A. Smith, J. Smith, Smucker, Stefanik, Taylor, Thompson, Timmons, Van Duyne, Walberg, Walorski, Waltz, Weber, Webster, and Wenstrup.

Read the letter in its entirety 