Source: United States Senator for South Carolina Tim Scott
WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) released two videos of a new series, highlighting his “listening tour” with individuals across South Carolina. During the first listening sessions, the senator met with Black leaders in his hometown of Charleston to discuss how to spur economic development and bolster education in minority communities.
Video #1: Spurring Economic Growth
Video Excerpts:
Participant: “Giving people stuff is not creating generational wealth. And I see it all the time, you know, people working. They’re working, but they’re just working.”
Senator Scott: “All the incentives that stop that from happening [are] hard on the employers, but it’s also hard on the would-be employee because the more incentives you have to stay home, the less likely you are to go to work, the harder it is to see yourself climb that economic ladder.”
Video #2: Moving Communities Forward
Video Excerpts:
Participant: “You pay for education once, but you pay for ignorance the rest of your life. So it’s a crucial piece. [In] any community, if you can be uplifted, education has to be a foundation for that to occur.”
Senator Scott: “Education. I feel like we are not hitting the mark. So whether you’re Black or white, [if] you live in a marginalized community, the education system that we have today is not producing results. In my opinion, that feeds the high crime rates across the country.”
Participant: “There’s been progress, but folks don’t highlight the progress the way that it should be. But there’s been growth in all of our communities. I don’t think that we’re [in] the same place where we were 50 years ago. We do have a ways to go, but I think there are opportunities that open more doors, and we need to encourage folks to take on those opportunities in order to keep moving forward.”
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