Daines, Tester, Rosendale Introduce Bill to Support Hydropower at Gibson Dam

Source: United States Senator for Montana Steve Daines


U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester and Congressman Matt Rosendale today introduced a bill to authorize hydropower in the Bureau of Reclamation’s Sun River Project, including at the Gibson Dam. 

“Hydropower provides safe, reliable, and affordable energy to Montanans across the state. The Sun River Project and GibsonDam have the potential to increase hydropower production and bring jobs and revenue to the community. This is a win-win and I look froward to this bill becoming law, so we can continue work on this critical project,” Daines said.

“The Gibson Dam has needed an update for years, and this legislation will finally make it happen by cutting red tape and authorizing the project for hydropower generation,” Tester said. “This project will bring new energy opportunities to Northern Montana, and bring new revenue and jobs into the community. It’s a great deal for irrigators and energy production, and I’m looking forward to working with Senator Daines and my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to get it passed.” 

“The Gibson Dam in Northwest Montana was built with hydropower generation in mind. But the generation of clean, reliable power through the Bureau of Reclamation has not been possible for nearly a century because of the project’s current authorization,” Rosendale said“I’m proud to introduce the ‘Sun River Hydropower Authorization Act’ in the House to enable Greenfields Irrigation District to harness the benefits of hydropower generation, while protecting access for irrigators.”

Read the bill text HERE

In 2018,  Daines’, Tester’s and Gianforte’s bill to provide an extension of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license for the dam became law. The license will soon expire, so the delegation is working to ensure the Gibson Dam has the necessary authorizations for hydropower development.

Montanans are sharing their support:

“The governing Board of the Greenfields Irrigation District, who represent over 750 landowners and water users, would appreciate your congressional assistance to amend Reclamation’s Authorization for the Sun River Project to include hydropower development by GID as that is what was intended when Gibson Dam was designed and built.”  Erling Juel, District Manager, Greenfields Irrigation District

“I overwhelmingly support the permanent authorization under the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) license for the Gibson Dam Hydro Proiect near Augusta, Montana. A positive decision supporting the authorizing of hydropower for the Sun River Project is a high priority of House District 17 and all of Montana.” – Representative Ross Fitzgerald, Montana House District 17

 “I would like to enthusiastically endorse our Montana congressional delegation to work hard and quickly on a bill to achieve permanent authorization of hydropower under USBR referred to in the Sun River Hydropower Authorization Act. This permanent authorization will result in a real boost to a rural area that works very hard to produce high quality feed and food resources for urban consumers. Thank you to our Congressional Delegation for their continued efforts on Montana’s behalf.” – State Senator Bruce “Butch” Gillespie


Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler